Chapter 39 • Over

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Includes strong language.

• 1 Week Later •

-Y/N's POV-
It's been a week.

One whole week.

7 days. 168 hours. 10,080 minutes. 604,800 seconds.

George was still in a coma, and Dream still blamed Sapnap and I for it.

Sapnap and I didn't want to leave the hospital. We wanted to be there for George no matter how much Dream didn't want us there.

It was a new day. Sapnap and I bought George some daises from the store to bring him. We also hoped to repair things with Dream.

The two of us walked hand in hand as I carried the daisies. We made it to the elevator, Sapnap pressed the button and took us to the next floor that George on since he got moved for better care.

The elevator dinged and the doors shut. I sighed nervously while looking down at the daisies. Sapnap stayed silent like he's been the whole week. He's barely ate and he's hardly said three words to me.

I knew he blamed himself for everything that's happened. And whether it was his fault or not, I didn't care. The only thing I cared about was George waking up, Sapnap forgiving himself and Dream letting us back into his life again.

The elevator doors opened as I felt him squeeze my hand tighter. I slowly stepped out of the elevator, he followed behind me after a moment, as if his mind were somewhere else.

After a few moments, we reached George's new room. We looked inside through the glass.

Dream was holding George's hand. He looked so broken, so lost. It made my heart feel heavy.

He needed us, whether he wanted to admit it or not. And as his friend, I refused to leave him to go through this tough time alone.

I hovered my hand over the handle then pushed down on it, swinging the door open. Dream's eyes immediately shot up to us. His body stiffened as he clenched his jaw, twitching his nose.

The tension in the air was thick. I slowly shut the door after Sapnap and I walked in carefully.

"What're you doing here...?" He said lowly with a hard glare.

"We brought him these." I held up the daisies.

"You aren't welcome here." He snapped, "You two aren't my friends anymore."

"Well we're his." I looked at George.

Dream sighed angrily while shaking his head. I set the flowers down on the table beside George's bed. He didn't look much different from the last time we saw him.

"I don't want you here." He released his grip from George to stand up, crossing his arms.

"Maybe not. But you need us here, Clay."

His nose twitched as he gave me a death stare.

"You two have done enough. So you can get the hell out before I get security in here." He snapped.

I looked over at Sapnap. His eyes were glued to the ground as he clenched his jaw. Then my eyes shot back to Dream. I crossed my arms as I tilted my head.

"Do it then."

Dream flared his nostrils as he turned his attention to Sapnap finally. Dream looked down at his scars on his wrist.

"I hate you." He glared at Sapnap.

I frowned as Sapnap swallowed hard.

"He's in this bed because of you." He raised his voice.

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