Chapter 34 • Reunion

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Includes strong language and blood.

-Y/N's POV-
After all these years, here my father was, standing only a few feet apart from me.

I shook my head angrily as I returned my gaze to Sapnap.

"Can you stand up?"

"Y—yeah." He said weakly.

"You sound so convincing." I raised my eyebrows then a shadow appeared over me.

"I can help."

"What he needs us a doctor, not an absent father." I snapped while keeping my eyes on Sapnap.

"We should leave before those goons come back." He said calmly, as if he didn't hear what I said.

Without my permission, he helped Sapnap stand up as he wrapped his arm around his shoulder.

"My cars just a little this way." He started to walk away with Sapnap as I shook my head, following them.


My father drove while I was holding Sapnap in my arms in the back seat. My eyes focused on his bandages wrapped around his wrists as he was fast asleep.

I couldn't help but wonder what happened to him. If he was the one who cut himself and if it was my fault. I never wanted to make him feel that way. Hell, no one should.

After those thoughts, I kissed his forehead as I felt the tears warming up in the corners of my eyes.

"He'll be alright, Y/N." He looked at me through the mirror.

"I don't need your words." I snapped.

He sighed, staying silent for the rest of the ride.

After some time, we made it to his house. It was all white with a light blue front door. I swallowed hard while staring at it.

My father helped Sapnap through the front door as he led him to a spare room.

I took a look around at our surroundings outside before shutting and locking the door. Then, I made my way into the spare room to see my father kneeling down, taking medicine, Q-tips and bandages out from the cabinet in the built in bathroom.

I sat down next to Sapnap as I rubbed his cheek with my thumb, frowning at his asleep self. Once my father came into the room, I took the objects from him.

"I got it." I spoke lowly as I started unscrewing the medicine bottle.

He sighed then stood up, cracked the door and walked to the living room.

I clenched my jaw then started to slowly unwrap Sapnap's left bandage. There were 3 cuts, they weren't too deep but they were still there, they were still enough to make my eyes water as I frowned. Seeing them made my heart feel heavy.

While applying the medicine, he woke up as he winced in pain.

"It's okay." I said softly while looking up at him, applying more medicine to the next cut below.

Sapnap's eyes fell to the open wounds as he clenched his jaw tightly.

"I didn't want you seeing those..." he said lowly.

"Was I the reason...?" I asked quietly, looking down at them.

He sighed.

"No." He lied.

My head shot up to him as I frowned.

"Don't lie to me, that doesn't work out too well."

Sapnap swallowed hard while looking away from me.

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