Chapter 26 - by EmmaWeasleyBarton

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Chapter 26-Elena pov

I have never been so angry. I couldn't believe her. I'm the bitch? I'm not the bitch. She couldn't give a damn about me or my dad.

My dad and I were making ourselves sick over her. I barely ate. I barely slept. It wasn't for the fact she and Fred kissed. She knew that I had been finding ways to get Fred to be my friend...or at least more. She lied to me and gave me hope. I had hope for Fred and I but she betrayed me. She doesn't care.

A week passed and I still wasn't eating or sleeping. I didn't seem to care. My heart was breaking and no one cared except my father. Sometimes I didn't think he did. He always loved her better.

I walked into Transfiguration and I felt so weak. I knew I looked it. It seemed no one noticed that fact. People were to caught up in themselves. I soon felt dizzy and felt like I couldn't breathe. I heard voices say my name. The room spun and sudden darkness took me.

I woke up on the medical wing. I felt like death. I wondered how long I was out. I still felt weak.

My dad was sitting there, hands folded, eyes closed, forehead on his closed hands. I could tell he'd been crying. I had never seen him so distraught.

"why haven't you been eating?" He sound so sad yet so stern. "I don't understand. Is it because you're broken hearted?" I stayed silent. "Elena Lupin! Answer me?"

I jumped up. "I don't know. I'm just not ever hungry."

"I knew i should've sent you the weasleys but I didn't listen to myself."

"Has Rae been in to see me?" I asked hopefully.

"No. I told her no because you are so angry. Although Fred weasley is waiting for you to wake up."

I went silent again. Why would he be waiting for me to wake up. Doesn't he hate me?

I shook my thoughts and my dad continued, "I'm very disappointed in you, Elena. You're overreacting to everything. I've put up with it because I thought it was a phase but I now realize that's not the case. You're acting like a child who's not getting her way. You're fifteen years old. Start acting like it."

I looked away. "Tonight's the full moon please go get ready for that. I'll be fine. I need to see Rae. I need to apologize for everything." He nods. I get up and get dressed. I head out passing Fred along the way.

"Have you seen Rae?" I asked.

He shrugged. "Library?" I nodded and headed there. I arrived to find Rae nose deep in a book. I couldn't tell which one

"Rae?" She looked up. "I'm sorry about overreacting about the Fred thing. I've been a bitch and childish. I hope you can forgive me."

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