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A little later, Ryujin got back and colored with Nako again.

"Nako-chan~ come and take a bath now please" they heard, Nako then stood up and cleaned up her table, putting the crayons away.

Chaeryeong entered the room and Ryujin gulped, Chaeryeong's hair was in a bun and Ryujin thought that Chaeryeong looked really beautiful especially that she was already wearing her specs.

"Time for bath already Nako~" Chaeryeong said

"Nae" Nako replied and then got some clothes she wanted to wear, she headed off with Chaeryeong in the bathroom.

Of course Ryujin just stayed out of the bathroom, cleaning up the coloring books and crayons.

She then heard the two talking to each other but in Japanese.

"I saw Ryujinnie's phone"

"Really? what did you saw there?" Chaeryeong asked as she rubs soap along the kids' arms, she was currently bathing the kid in the bathtub

"It was a picture of the two of you" Nako said


"Mhm, it was back then when you were in performing class, I remembered that you told me you and Ryujinnie became dance partners"

"Yeah we did" Chaeryeong said and chuckled

"You told me that you used to like Ryujinnie, what happened?" Nako asked, she wondered why both of her aunts didn't end up together. Chaeyeon would always talk about the two since Nako would always be curious.

"Well, at that time, your Aunt Ryujin was dating someone else" Chaeryeong said and bitterly smiled at the kid.

"Who?" Nako asked, Chaeryeong was already washing her hair and she kept playing with the toys in the bathtub

"Remember your Aunt Lia?" Chaeryeong asked and Nako just hummed

"She used to be your Aunt Ryujin's girlfriend" Chaeryeong said sadly

"But isn't she Yeddeongie's wife already? Mama told me that they have a child now" Nako said as she played with the rubber ducky on the bathtub (a gift from Yena lol)

"Things didn't end up well for your Aunt Ryujin and Aunt Lia but they did became friends again" Chaeryeong said

"Then why didn't you confess to Ryujinnie yet?" Nako asked

"I didn't confess to her because..... I'm afraid she still likes your Aunt Lia" Chaeryeong said and then rinses off the shampoo from Nako's hair

"But... that can't happen, Lia-yah is married already" Nako said and looked at Chaeryeong, she noticed how Chaeryeong was already teary eyed.

Chaeryeong would always talk to Nako how she and Ryujin were when they were in highschool and senior high.

"Nako-chan, sometimes, when a person loves someone, even if that person she loves gets married, they can still have feelings for them" Chaeryeong said and Nako just nodded

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