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The following day, Chaeryeong went out with her family, strolling around the park, going to the mall and more.

"Would you want that Chaery?" her dad asked. Chaeryeong was clinging to her father at the moment as they walk around the mall.

"I guess..." Chaeryeong said and looked at the outfit her father pointed out.

"It will look good on you Chaery" he said and Chaeryeong just smiled. She never went out shopping with her father before and seeing how he was somehow enjoying it made her happy.

"Sure appa, I'll get that one" Chaeryeong said and giggled as she got the shirt. She then looked around more along with her dad and she was really enjoying every bit of it. She may not have a girlfriend who could spoil her but she has her family.

"Ryeong-ah~ look what I got you from the other store!" Chaeyeon said happily as she went towards her sister and her dad

"What is it?" Chaeryeong asked excitedly

"I got you a new phone!" Chaeyeon squealed

"Really?!" Chaeryeong asked in surprise and Chaeyeon nodded

Chaeyeon handed Chaeryeong her new phone.

"Thank you unnie!" Chaeryeong said and hugged her sister.

"Hmm, your sister here had to bug me to get you a new phone" their mom said and chuckled

"Ah unnie jinja" Chaeryeong said and chuckled

"Well, let's go to the restaurant and meet up with the other three" their mom said. Chaemin actualky tagged along with Natty and Somi, saying that she wanted know more about them.

Later on, they went tp a restaurant and settled down so that they could eat, it was all fine and all when Chaeryeong started spacing out again. She was thinking of someone

"Ryeong sweetie, are you okay?" their mom asked and looked at Chaeryeong worriedly

"H-huh?" Chaeryeong asked

"You were spacing out, are you okay?" their dad asked next

"Y-yeah I'm fine" Chaeryeong said and they just nodded

"I think we should go back home after this" Chaeyeon whispered to their dad and he nodded in agreement

After having a quick lunch in the mall, they all went back to the Lee's house and rested. Chaeryeong and Natty both need to prepare for tomorrow because they would be going to the school for their enrollment and start next week.

"I'll be at my room if someone needs me" Chaeryeong said and quickly went upstairs to her own room and closing the door as soon as she gets in

"What's up with unnie?" Chaemin asked

"Umm... let's leave her alone for a while. Maybe she's trying to get used to staying here" Chaeyeon said and Chaemin just nodded

Chaeryeong started unpacking some of her things, she got her books out and placed it on the shelf, she also put all of her clothes in the cabinet and the only things left were some of the items she got at her and Ryujin's shared room.

She stared at a picture she was holding onto. It was her and Ryujin. She can't stop thinking about her for some reason. Ryujin was a special someone in her life and it was heart breaking for her to realize that Ryujin just sees her as a friend.

She almost felt like suffocating so she quickly went out to her balcony to get some air and to free off her mind.

She got her phone and looked through her contacts, she definitely left some messages to Ryujin but until now, Ryujin hasn't seen it yet. Was she being ignored by her?

When she couldn't take it anymore, she tried to call someone, so that she could just know if Ryujin was fine.



"Yeji unnie?"

"Yes Ryeong? need anything? how are you?"

"I'm feeling fine.... I guess. How are you?"

"I'm good, just finished a set of practice today"

"Oh... well I was wondering... if..."

"I haven't seen her Ryeong, I'm so sorry. I don't know where she is often. Even Chaewon unnie doesn't know since Ryujin rarely stays at the dorm now"


"Yeah but I can ask Lia if you want to, she just paid a visit to us here at the practice room ten minutes ago"

"No, its okay. Ryujin might be spending some time with Lia unnie. Let them have fun, I don't want to bother them. I just want to know if Ryujin's fine"

"She'll be fine, the question is, are you?"

"I... I don't know. I'll try to, I'll be going to the school tomorrow with Natty for enrollment and sign some paper maybe"

"Okay, I'll call you and message you if ever I get any news"

"Sure unnie, thank you"

"No problem, take care of yourself there"

"I will, bye unnie, take care as well"

"Mhm, bye~"


Chaeryeong ended the call and then she sighed as she puts her phone down and sits on the small chair she had on the balcony.

She was stressing out, having Ryujin on her mind is making her think a lot of things. zshe couldn't understand why she can't let go of the thought of Ryujin.

She soon got interrupted by a knock on the door.

"Who is it?" she asked

"It's your babe Natty~" Natty said and giggled after. Chaeryeong just shook her head as she chuckled

"Come in then" Chaeryeong said and Natty did so. She entered the room and closed the door after.

"You seem down after going shopping" Natty said and went towards her at the balcony

"Just can't stop thinking about something I guess" Chaeryeong said and sighed

"Something or someone?" Natty asked and crossed her arms

"I already told you Ryeong, you have to forget about her for the meantime and live your life here in Japan. That's why you got the scholarship" Natty said

"I only got the scholarship to get away from her but now that I'm really away from her I can't stop thinking about her. I want to know if she's okay, if she's fine, you know Natty, you know how much I care for her" Chaeryeong said almost crying

"Hey, don't cry Chaer" Natty said and her face soon softened from her serious one.

"I.... I just miss her already. She almost ignored me when I was there, she barely talked to me and hanged out with me. I don't know why I feel like this for her" Chaeryeong said and cried. Natty hugged her and then caressed her back.

"Its because you love her Ryeong. When you feel like that, when you want to know she's fine, when you want to feel her presence and get her attention, its because you love her. You worry about her a lot" Natty said softly

"S-should I forget about her then?" Chaeryeong asked

"Its up to you Ryeong, but if you're gonna ask me, its better if you don't contact her at all. Its the best way for you to forget about her but if you don't want to do that, I won't force you. I'm here to take care of you after all" Natty said and Chaeryeong nodded with a smile

She was grateful that she has a friend like Natty...

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