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After a few days, Chaeryeong and Ryujin would hang out sometimes, only if they are free and not really busy. Chaeryeong was happily working at her sister's and Yena's dance studio and she was actually learning a lot since she was teaching dance from 8 in the morning until 6 in the evening, of course having breaks. Chaeryeong herself requested to have work at 8 since she said she really wanted to and she could do it. Chaeyeon didn't stop her and she was glad that her sister loves to teach kids to dance.

Along with that, Chaeryeong has been quite the favorite in the studio along with Chaeyeon since she is now known to be one of the famous dancers and receiving a ton of awards for her performances.

For today, Chaeryeong had no work and they gave her a day off first. Chaeryeong was bored in her own place so she thought of visiting her sister and sister-in-law.

She took a bath and then changed into some comfortable clothes that she could wear when going out. As she got her things and wore her shoes, she left her place and then got a taxi to drive off to her sister's house.

Once she arrived, she rang the doorbell and waited. Then it was soon opened by Sakura.

"Oh Chaeryeong, you came" Sakura exclaimed

"Hi unnie, just wanted to make a visit since I don't have anything to do today" Chaeryeong said and giggled. Sakura then let her inside the house.

"Did my cousin asked for a hangout or something?" Sakura asked her

"Ryujin? not really, she probably has work today unnie" Chaeryeong said and Sakura nodded.

Chaeryeong then spotted Nako playing in her small playing area.

"Nako~" Chaeryeong cooed and Nako instantly smiled at seeing her aunt

"Chaeryeongie!" Nako squealed and then clapped her hands as Chaeryeong walked closer to her.

"Nako-chan having breakfast hmm?" Chaeryeong asked and Nako nodded

"Kkura, I told you that- oh Chaery, you're here" Chaeyeon said

"Hi unnie, you and Kkura unnie don't mind if I pay a visit right?" Chaeryeong asked

"Oh not at all, you're always welcome here" Chaeyeon said and chuckled

"Great! so I guess I can- oh wait, my phone's ringing" Chaeryeong said and Chaeyeon nodded

Chaeryeong answered the call




"Oh Lia unnie, yes? do you need anything?"

"Actually, can you help me out for today? I mean Yeji's out and I'm having trouble with Yuna here"

"Oh sure unnie"

"I know it's kind of embarrassing to ask you to help me. It's just you're really good in taking care of kids"

"Unnie, don't worry, I'll come over and help you with Yuna. I'll be there in a few minutes"

"Really? thank you Ryeong"

"No problem unnie, I'll see you in a bit"


Chaeryeong ended the call and then put her phone back in her bag.

"Well, I guess I have to go now first unnies. I need to help Lia unnie for today" Chaeryeong said

"Sure, be safe okay?" Chaeyeon said and Chaeryeong nodded

"Bye unnie, Kkura unnie, and Nako-chan" Chaeryeong bid them goodbye and left the house. She took a taxi once again so that she could go to Yeji and Lia's house.

When she reach Yeji and Lia's house, she rang the doorbell and waited. It was then opened by Lia.

"Hi unnie" Chaeryeong greeted with a smile

"Hi Ryeong, sorry if I had to call you for today. Were you busy?" Lia asked the younger

"Not really, I don't have work today" Chaeryeong said and hugged Lia as a greeting as well.

"So what's wrong?" Chaeryeong asked and placed her bag on the couch

"Well, Yuna kept telling me she wanted to see you. I told her that you might've been busy" Lia said and Chaeryeong nodded

"Does she ever ask for you when you're not around?" Chaeryeong asked

"Well, when Yeji is left here and I go out she sometimes finds for me" Lia said

"Maybe she just have attachment issues" Chaeryeong said and the both of them went to the little girls' room

"Aunt Chaeryeong!!" Yuna exclaimed upon seeing the older

"Hello Yuna~" Chaeryeong said cutely and it made Yuna giggle

"Why were you finding for me hmm? Your mommy is here with you" Chaeryeong said and sat beside the younger on the floor

"I... I saw this" Yuna said and took a piece of paper and showed it to her Aunt. Chaeryeong took it and it was actually a photo. A photo of her and Lia back when they were studying.

"Its a picture of us" Chaeyeong muttered softly

"Yuna, where did you found this sweetie?" Lia asked

"I saw it when you and mama were looking at some albums.... then it fell" Yuna said and then took one of her toys to play with.

"Never knew we would be like this" Chaeryeong said and chuckled. Lia just smiled at the younger and they were interrupted when Yuna suddenly yawned.

"Time for a nap I guess" Lia said and stood up. She picked up the toddler and let her sleep while Chaeryeong went to the dining area and sat down. She waited for Lia to come back.

"Water or Juice?" Lia asked as she went over to the dining

"Water is just fine unnie" Chaeryeong said and Lia nodded. Lia then got a glass and a pitcher of water and placed it on the table.

"I heard you and Ryujin are hanging out again lately" Lia said

"Mhm, the other day we had a quick lunch during break time from work" Chaeryeong said

"That's nice" Lia commented and Chaeryeong nodded

"You don't mind me asking about you and Ryujin right?" Lia asked

"Not really? go ahead and ask unnie" Chaeryeong said

"Do you still have feelings for Ryujin?" Lia asked


"Come on Chaer, it's not like you can keep it forever. Me and Yeji were thinking about it for some time now" Lia said

"Unnie, its just that I'm afraid that Ryujin just sees me as a best friend. Right now I'm already fine with being close to her and being able to hang out with her just like we used to before" Chaeryeong said

"You still haven't answer my first question tho" Lia said, it was about time that Chaeryeong should finally had a talk like this. For almost five years she was just bottling up her own problems inside her.

Chaeryeong took a deep breath before answering Lia's question

"I still have feelings for Ryujin, I see her more than a best friend and I just don't want to ruin our friendship again" Chaeryeong said

"What kind of feelings?" Lia asked

"Love, I love her already but I'm not sure if she feels the same way for me. I've already left a letter to her before, it was kind of a confession but I don't know if she ever had read it" Chaeryeong said worriedly

"Don't worry Ryeong, there's still a lot of time" Lia said

"I know, I just..... I just really love her" Chaeryeong said and she was almost tearing up. Lia got sad upon seeing the younger like this so she went to give her a tight hug which just caused Chaeryeong to sob.

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