Chapter 18: A Blast To The Past

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I'm glad you guys are even reading this story. To be honest, I didn't think anyone would even read this or even read a few the first few chapters but you guys surprised me!

It's a very good surprise and I don't usually like surprises but I really liked this one!

I hope you enjoy this chapter!


Chapter 18: A Blast To The Past!

Terra's POV

I couldn't believe my eyes.

All I saw was charred, black earth. It was smoking and the smell of sulfur burned my nose. The putrid air was hot and I felt the need to strip my clothes just to keep cool. A gust of wind blew through my hair and I gasped.

I was standing in a burned village. Dragons flew over my head while people ran through the streets. They were all screaming, crying and slamming in to me. My body was thrown from side to side but I never fell. Children were clutching to their parents but eventually lost in the chaos around me.

Where am I?

"Lilith!" Someone screamed and my body turned on its own. I was facing a man with long and thick black hair, tan skin and brown eyes. He was reaching out to me and I lifted my arm up to reach to him. What am I doing? No don't touch him! That's Jaaku! Our hands barely brushed before I was sent flying backwards.

What's going on?

Why can't I move my body?

My vision went blurry and there was ringing in my ears. Dragons roared over head before they slowly disappeared. My body became heavy and cold. Jaaku calling me before picked me up and shook my shoulders. I tried as hard as I could but I couldn't focus on him.

His hands slapped my face but I felt no pain. He brushed hair out of my face but I couldn't feel his touch. My head numbly lulled to the side and he was out of my line of sight. He pulled it back to him and I saw him cry.

"Lilith!" He screamed over and over again as he cradled my body. Did I die? Why is he calling me Lilith? Jaaku suddenly set me on the ground and started running around my body. He began to chant words and the cold feeling was replaced by an almost too hot feeling in my veins.

Red slowly surrounded my vision along with small little orange lines, like lightning, flashed along the edges. His voice became louder and louder, broken by screams of pain. Black magic circles started appearing around us and people were crawling out of them.

"I'm sorry, Lilith." He said as he finished his chanting. An agonizing pain went through my body as the people stabbing objects into my body. Blood streamed out of my mouth and down my chin. I couldn't breathe. I couldn't speak. I couldn't do anything. I was hopeless.

Hopeless, more like dead.

Black filled my vision and it felt like an eternity until I saw color. I could have been there for hours, days, years or just mere seconds and I wouldn't have known. When I woke up, everything looked the same except for the person beside me. Well...

More like the skeleton beside me.

With a cry of fear, I sat up and quickly crawled away. When I was a few feet away, I stopped to turn. It looked to be a woman, well the clothes and the necklace suggested that it was a woman. They were stained brown, which I'm assuming is blood, and they had holes scattered all around in the fabric. Her bones were cracked, chipped and warped by the sun.

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