Chapter 1. The importance of last names

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Inspired by the manga

"Good morning Chi", a soft voice spoke as it rubbed gently the back of the person they were trying to wake up.

Chi: *Yawns* Good morning Mommy.

"Did my lady Angel sleep well?" The voice said as the child sat up and she embraced her with a warm hug.

Chi: Yes mommy I slept good and look I didn't wet the bed this time!!

"That's good honey, come let mommy give you some kisses" -*begins to give Chi kisses*

Chi: *blushing* Okay okay mommy stop *giggles* Is daddy still home?

"I'm afraid your daddy has already went to work, sorry you didn't get to tell him Good morning before he left."

Chi: Daddy always leaves way too early. *sad face*

"Well it is Monday morning honey and he's a P.E teacher so he has to be school early or he'll be late and maybe miss assembly."

Chi: I know.. well what's for breakfast mommy?

"Hmm how about pancakes and eggs?"

Chi: Yay I love bancake and eggs!!

*Giggles* "It's called Pancakes Chi.. well let's get you washed up first so you can eat."

And with that Chi was lifted out of bed and carried to the bathroom so she can freshen up before eating breakfast. After freshen up they headed to the kitchen where her mother prepared breakfast and they are together.

"That was so good."

Chi: Yes mommy makes the best pancakes. And the eggs are yummy too !!

"Glad you liked them. Well what do you want to do next honey?"

Chi: I want to look at the pictures of you and daddy when you were in school.

"Sure let's see.. ah there it is."

Mrs Nishikata walks over to a shelf where there's a graduation album on it. She picks it up and hands it to Chi.

Chi: Thanks Mommy.

Chi opens the booklet and goes through the pictures looking for her parents.

Chi: Ahh haaa I see Daddy.

Reishay Nishikata:

Chi: Now let me look for mommy

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Chi: Now let me look for mommy.

"Do you think you can find me?"

Chi: Ahh haaa found you.

Mai Takagi:

Chi: Wait this isn't you for real

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Chi: Wait this isn't you for real. Your name isn't Takagi, it's Nishikata.

"That's me honey my last name was Takagi before I married your father."

Chi: Ahhh haaa it's a funny name.

"You can have your laugh now but when you get married and your last name isn't Nishikata no more I'll have the last laugh."

Chi: Huh?? No I don't want my last name to change.

"You don't want to get married one day? If you do get married it's going to change."

Chi: I'll just marry daddy then so my name won't change.

"Oh, so we'll share husbands then."

Chi: No that isn't fair to mommy. You can have daddy to yourself.

"Changed your mind already?"

Chi: he was your husband first.

"Thank you Chi. Hey how about you practice writing your last name? You'll be starting school next year so you need to at least be able to spell it and write a little."

Chi: I'll get my cway ons!!

"Do you want to try writing in a pencil instead?"

Chi: Ohh do you think I'm ready?

"Yes you're a really smart girl, you just have to learn how to write and spell other than that you understand quite well."

Chi: Okay I'll try.

Mrs Nishikata writes down the word Nishikata on a paper and tells Chi to try and write it like she did. Chi tries a few times but the closest she got to doing it the letters were backwards and she missed and I.

"Nice try honey although the letters are backwards."

Chi: I'll get it right the next time.

"I'm sure you will honey *smiles* well I'll start washing our clothes since I didn't get to yesterday."

*phone rings*

"That must be your dad. Hello dear. Yeah, she's awake. She was just practicing writing our last name. *giggles* the letters were backwards and she missed and I but it wasn't that far off. You want me to send you a picture? Okay I'll send it right now you get back to work. I love you."

Chi: What did daddy say?

"He's doing good, he just got out of assembly so he's just chilling until his first class. Hey come here quick let's take a picture for daddy."

Chi: Yay!!

"Do you have a pose you want to do?

Chi: I'm not sure.

"How about we send him kisses."

Chi: Yeah I like that.

Mrs Nishikata and Chi do kisses pose at the camera and quickly snap a few pics. She then sends the pictures to her husband who calls immediately after receiving them.

"Yes dear? *Giggle* I figured you would have called if we did that. Oh you meant a picture of Chi's handwriting, my bad *giggles* Yes I do enjoy teasing you over the phone. I bet your face is so red right now. How about we give you real kisses when you get home then? *giggles* okay honey no more distractions. I'll cook when it's almost time for you to get home so you can have something hot to eat when you get here. Okay, I love you too."

Chi: Mommy you really love daddy a lot don't you?

"Yup that's why I was so happy when he proposed to me."

Chi: how did he posed to you?

"Proposed honey* well we had just come from a date and we went back to our tree. We talked for a bit and then he proposed. It was one of the happiest day of my life.

Chi: What is your happiest day?

"I'd say when we got married and when I had you. Those two days are very special to me."

Chi: I'm happy for both daddy and mommy, oh and  both Grammies and Granpappies.

"I'm happy that you're so grateful for all of us Chi. You're really our pride and joy."

Chi: Mommy can I watch tv?

"Sure that should distract you while I'm cleaning."

End of chapter

Here's to a new series start, hope you guys enjoy

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