Chapter 9: Monster Mash

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The couple wandered down the street for a while, chatting lightly with each other about various topics like the latest movie with excellent music embedded in its story. Eventually, they came upon an old red door with chipping paint on the side of an odd brick building. Carmen looked the place up and down, commenting, "Dang, you monsters sure know how to be spooky."

Phoenix, as usual, just had to laugh at the commentary. He led her through the door, wandering down a winding staircase. She didn't seem put off, and the vampire had to wonder if she'd been through this sort of thing before. He doubted it, honestly, based on her initial reaction to him. More than likely, she was putting a brave face on. His nostrils flared and sure enough, he could scent her fear rising through the air. He placed a hand on her shoulder and squeezed it reassuringly.

As they descended the stairway, the steps shifted from rundown basement slabs to carpeted with velvet. Carmen took notice of this change and furrowed her brow.

The scent of alcohol and flowers pierced the air as they came upon a much fancier door. This one was wooden and painted black, carved with various symbols, the most prominent being a rose design with several vines and thorns entwined around what looked like sharp pikes.

Phoenix placed his hand in the center, causing it to glow for a few moments before he pushed it open. The couple entered the club, and the atmosphere was definitely different from the wonderfully flashy colors of the one where they'd originally met. First, this one had black walls and carpeting. The lights were much dimmer, and red mist billowed through the place, likely for effect. It reminded Carmen of some sort of Halloween setup, but she had a feeling it always looked like this. These were vampires, after all.

Indeed, the people here wore clothing like Phoenix, and Carmen stuck out like a sore thumb. Not that she cared. Despite her fear, she strolled on in confidently while holding onto Phoenix's arm, even as all eyes turned toward them. Most people here had glowing red eyes and were holding glasses full of red liquid in some clawed hands.

Carmen took notice of a female vampire, obvious by how she smirked to reveal fangs, as she ran her hand down the bare chest of a man in her lap. He had on a spiked collar and his eyes were closed. Bite marks dotted his flesh from his neck to his abs, and he appeared to be in a state of ecstasy. The woman stroking his chest, however, looked up and gave Carmen a wink.

Carmen glanced back toward Phoenix curiously, who seemed unphased by this. Similar scenes and couples filled the place, and in fact, it looked almost as if some were going to start fucking right out in the open with no care for onlookers. This was made clear by how one vampire was sharing a deep kiss with a human, running a hand all over her body and teasing the idea of taking off her clothing here and now.

Carmen didn't mind any of this, though was intrigued. Phoenix passed by some groups and greeted them. She noticed how some of them tensed up and spoke to him as if he had more power than he let on. Hm, was he the leader of this place or something? When that business concluded, the vampire guided her to the stage. He turned to his comrades and grabbed a microphone.

"Rosethorn Coven, I am pleased to introduce you to Carmen. She is an amazing dancer. This is how we met. I'd been hunting in a humans' club. I stopped to observe, and got lost in her movements. Now, you will experience such wonder with me," he purred into it, placing it down and stepping back. Carmen raised an eyebrow, not knowing he'd been hunting at the time. Well, she felt a bit honored that he'd put off eating to dance with her. He must have really been attracted to her.

The vampires in the area cheered. Well, all but one. Carmen had the eyes of a hawk and right now was no exception. She caught the sight of a male vampire with long black hair glaring from Phoenix to her. His red eyes were hungry, and when he met her gaze, he bared his fangs in a dangerous grin. Carmen, being, well, Carmen, sneered back, tilting her head in a challenging manner as if to say, 'The hell are you looking at?!' He was taken aback and turned his glare to Phoenix, no doubt with a slight bit of malice.

At the moment, however, Phoenix wasn't paying attention. Behind them some electro swing played, this time Empire. Carmen couldn't resist, of course; she stepped forward and moved her body to the flow of the music.

Step right, step left, spin, leap, land, repeat!

She grinned, feeling as free as a bird flying through the air. All eyes were on her as she danced expertly, alone at first. Phoenix stepped back to marvel at her performance. He'd join eventually as well.

Carmen soared across the stage, enchanting the entire underground club with her movements in perfect sync with the music. Just like Phoenix, they were entranced by the beauty of the way her body moved.

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