Chapter 8: Dancing Into the Night

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The next day, Carmen and Phoenix found themselves at the night club once more, dazzled by the lights and music yet again. Carmen had covered up the bite marks on her neck with make-up, since she found out they don't actually fade. Yet another myth that they did, though this one she wished was true. Tonight, she was dancing professionally on stage rather than on the floor, which is one reason she wanted Phoenix to come back.

He sat in the audience as the show began, curious to watch the woman once more. Just like the first time he saw her, she dazzled him with her movements, twirling to the beat and moving her hips in a way that obviously showed this came naturally to her. Carmen's flowing curls worked like a shawl as she spun, adding to her glorious movements. Adrenaline billowed off of the woman, of which Phoenix could clearly scent.

The more Phoenix observed this woman dancing in the most magical way he'd ever seen, the more he realized he wanted to be with her for much longer than just some one-night stand. Everything about her intrigued him.

He was here, after all.

Carmen could have gone off running and screaming when she found out that he was a vampire, yet she took it in stride and even used it to her advantage. She certainly got off very well on his bites. No doubt it was some sort of fetish that she embraced. Not that he minded in the slightest, since he shared that for damn sure.

After a few hours of getting lost in the show, Phoenix observed the woman climb off of the stage and wipe some sweat from her forehead. She gave him a wide smile and took a seat at the table, yawning slightly. "Damn good thing you did your mumbo jumbo," Carmen commented regarding the magic he used to restore her.

Phoenix winked and gently pushed over a drink he'd bought for her just a few minutes before. Carmen took a few sips and nodded in approval, her chest heaving from the huge amount of effort she spent on stage. The vampire smiled brightly and commented, "As usual, you were lovely, Carmen. I only hope I'll be able to 'compete', per se, when we dance together again."

Carmen let out that wonderful laugh of hers and patted him on the shoulder, her grey eyes glimmering. "You'll be able to do that just fine, trust me," the woman reassured him with a wink. She let out a happy sigh and leaned back in her chair, enjoying the music for a few moments before peering at him. "Really, though. Thanks for not just running off after, well, you know," she told him, putting her hand over his and giving a very wide smile.

Phoenix dipped his head respectfully, running his nails through his hair and giving a tiny chuckle. "I am not that kind of person, Carmen. I've enjoyed my time with you. Would you want to join me in a club of different... sorts? Those like me bring their ah, 'lovers'. It might not be your scene. I figured I could suggest it anyway," the vampire muttered, giving a wink. He kept his voice decidedly low. Carmen considered his words and slowly nodded, a light grin playing on her lips.

"I'm guessing it's some extremely kinky stuff? Hell, why not? Though we should draw some lines. It's obvious what our relationship dynamic is. I'm a submissive, one that has the tongue of a snake if you cross me wrong. I'm fully aware I'd be the one with all the power if you intend on making this a true romantic relationship," Carmen replied, not even bothering to censor herself by any means. It was about time to define boundaries since clearly neither planned on going anywhere.

Delighted, Phoenix nodded, grinning to flash her some perfect teeth. Obviously, his fangs were retracted right now, something he could control very well in public. Despite his desire to emerge from the shadows, at the moment he needed to keep his 'condition' on the down low. "Perhaps I want to show you off to others like me, yes. I very much would love to claim you as mine. Er, romantically, not a 'you do everything I say with no discretion'," he chuckled sheepishly, causing Carmen to snort.

"Honey, I've looked into this stuff before. I'm a big girl and can handle it. Though if someone crosses me wrong, I'm not keeping my mouth shut. Got that?" she growled, her tone meaning business. Phoenix nodded, getting to his feet and holding out a hand to her.

"I expect nothing less, darling Carmen. I'm delighted you would like to join me. Show them the fire that I see in you," he commented, walking out of the exit of the club when she accepted her hand. "The others of my coven would be delighted to see our dance. I really do want to show them."

Carmen chuckled, leaning against Phoenix as they walked. "That so? We'll give them a show they won't forget. Coven, eh? Fancy. You all don't need to bite me like some ritual cult or something, right? I draw the line at you biting, anything more, I don't swing that way," she commented, glancing toward him with a joking tone.

Phoenix sneered and shook his head. "No, nothing like that. Though after we complete our dance number, I might be tempted to bite you. I haven't eaten today and you seem to not mind my feeding one bit."

Blush tinged Carmen's cheeks, and she shrugged. She practically glowed, what with the bright colors she always wore, radiant as a butterfly in the middle of the summer. Such a huge but wonderful contrast to the shadowy vibe that Phoenix gave off. How very ironic, considering his name.

"Perhaps I don't. Don't make promises you won't keep, though. I'd better feel those fangs on my neck at some point during the night," Carmen replied, flipping some of her curls and giving a flirtatious wink.

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