30 - It's Been One Week

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"This weekend isn't too good for me. My older sister's coming to visit. But next weekend? Yeah. Perfect. See ya then," Tyler said into his phone. It was almost unbelievable to him that it was Robbie on the other end, and that they weren't verbally tearing each other's faces off.

Before they had even gotten into The Arts, Tyler had all but ended their friendship. And now, through the most unusual of circumstances, they were on speaking terms again.

True, they'd probably never be as close as they used to be. That was just how life worked out sometimes, even when it comes to the bonds of middle school bands and guitar class besties. But they were friendly with each other again, and even setting up jam sessions! The Flaming Wolves as a record-deal-bound entity was no more, but it turned out that Tyler, Matt, and Robbie weren't totally ready to give up playing together completely just yet.

After finishing his call with Robbie, Tyler pulled up his Instagram, which was a good hundred followers smaller than it was a week ago. He knew that a lot of people had followed his profile upon his helping Gianna found the Performing Arts Initiative scholarship, and since he publicly released a statement announcing his retirement from the organization's efforts, suddenly people didn't care much to keep up with his daily life. And he was okay with that. All those eyes on him watching his every move? He'd recently decided that wasn't the kind of life he wanted.

Still, he missed the work he did. The collaborating with a team for a worthy cause. The long nights brainstorming ideas and garnering public support. The building something new from the ground up and watching it take hold in a community with every passing milestone.

Tyler scrolled through his feed as he walked down the stairs and turned the corner. Maybe he'd do something like that again someday — for the right reasons, this time. He wasn't leaving the charity life forever; just giving Ivan and Gianna the space they needed to be the perfect power couple to run PAI the way it was always meant to be run. Man, was Tyler glad that his friends had worked things out and made their relationship official the day after the homecoming dance. They really were a good match. Especially since they no longer had Jack lording over them, threatening their partnership and the very organization itself. Thank God he was expelled after Ms. Brown found out he stole charity money and bullied several students.

As for Tyler? It was time for him to focus on his music. This was his last free night before his sister came in to visit from college, and he was using it by finally checking out that songwriting club.

Tyler wasn't really sure what to expect. He had never been a club guy. Still, he wanted to make a good first impression, so he moussed his bleach blonde hair back and wore his favorite bright blue t-shirt, the one that always made his tan skin look even more sun-kissed.

When Tyler walked into the room he immediately felt the nerves hit him. There were a few underclassmen present, but everyone else was undoubtedly a junior or a senior, likely students in the writing or music concentrations who were planning on studying this same craft when they started at universities. It all felt too real for Tyler. Like maybe he wasn't ready for the seriousness of the vibe.

Then a familiar face stuck her hand up and waved him over, and he couldn't help but break out into a relieved smile.

"Hey!" She called, and Tyler sat next to the girl in a black hoodie and heavy eyeliner. Andi Clarkson. There was something different about the way she looked. Her style hadn't changed a lick, but she seemed more confident now, more content with who she was. She was radiant.

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