Chapter 10

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This was proofread before posting, but as always let me know of any mistakes!

11/11/23 updated to make minor edits.


I stare above me at the vent where we had just come from. I block out the conversation going on beside me and listen as the bangs echo off the doors above me. Paralyzed, my mind begins to run with thoughts of not being able to keep Gregory safe and how maybe it would be better if I just stayed behind to distract the bunny.

I'm snapped from my thoughts when a hand is placed on my lower back. I jerk my head to see who is touching me. Out of instinct, when I meet Michael's eyes, I jerk away from his touch.

The guilt only rises in me after that.

"I'm sorry." I croak out as I see his frown.

"No, don't apologize." He offers a small, reassuring smile.

We begin walking together, but he gives me my space. I'm thankful for that.

I can't help but notice the small gazes he cast my way through every few minutes. From the corner of my eye, I can see him. Concern is written all over his face. I don't really understand why he's trying to be nice to me. I've done nothing but fear this man for the past hour, but what is an hour of fear after two years of being friends? We've gone through a lot of gruesome things together. Maybe that's how I should look at it, but something in me still clings to the fear. Maybe it's not him who I actually fear, but maybe it's who his father is. Michael has saved me from some pretty nasty injuries more times than I can count. Isn't that enough to prove he's trustworthy?

I am snapped from my thoughts again. When I am quickly pulled away from a wall, I was about to walk into.

"Is everything alright? You aren't really staying with us." Michael waves his hand in front of my face.

"Yea, sorry." I mumble. "Just lost in thought."

He stares at me for a few seconds. The worry is evident on his face. I pay no mind, though, and I continue to walk. This time, though, I refuse to be distracted.

Freddy stumbles towards the stage, barely catching himself.

"My systems are failing. Take that disk to the sound booth. It's on the third floor. After you have ran the show's program, meet me back here on the stage." I help lower Freddy to the ground. just in case his systems do fail completely. It'll be better for him to be sitting down than for him to just fall flat on his back.

"You two. Go! I'll stay here with Freddy. It's best all three of us not go anyway." Just before Michael can walk away with Gregory, I swallow the little fear I have in me and grab Michael's hand. "Please be careful, and watch out for him."

Michael offers me a small smile. "I promise. I'll keep us safe."

Michael is off within seconds, quickly trailing behind Gregory.

I try to keep track of Michael and Gregory as they make their way to the sound booth. It's not that hard, honestly. Michael just happens to be very tall, and it's easy to see his head. I hold back a laugh. I'm not quite sure why it's funny, but it certainly lifts some weight from my shoulders.

~I won't type out when Freddy's voice glitches here because it would take a very long time. I do not have that much time XD~

"You seem to be hesitant of Mike. Did something happen?" Freddy stumbles over his words.

"Michael Afton." I stiffly reply.

"What?" Freddy questions.

"His name isn't Mike Schmidt. It's Michael Afton." I watch Michael duck as Gregory still stands, looking around. In a swift movement, I see Michael's arm reach up, grab Gregory's shoulder, and yank him down.

"I don't see much in my database about Michael Afton. Other than a few files, they link back to the franchise creator, William Afton. I would assume they are somehow related." Freddy states. "Why is this a bad thing?"

I sharply turn my head toward Freddy. "You have seen his face, right? Michael is supposed to be dead. Yet here he is. Somehow he hasn't aged a day since the 80s and 90s, and he's practically a walking android. Have you also not heard the stories of his father? That doesn't ring any kind of alarm in you."

"No, not really. He may have a different name, and he may have a bad father figure, but he still acts the same. He hasn't changed since he apparently revealed this to you." Freddy explains himself.

"That's how I'm trying to look at it. I honestly don't know much about his past, but what I can piece together from all the rumors and stories I hoped weren't true. I think I'm learning that it's his father I'm truly scared of. I know they aren't the same person, but there's still that tiny bit of fear there. I guess it's always going to be there. I'm just going to have to get over it." I ramble on about my thought process.

Freddy just nods his head. Maybe it's better he doesn't respond. My mind is already racing, trying to decide what's right and what's not. It's starting to stress me out. Part of me wants to just let it all go. The part of me that likes him. The other part is paralyzed with all this new knowledge I have gained in the course of an hour. I'm starting to lean more towards the part that likes him. I've known for about 4 months that I have liked him as in more than a friend. I just never acted on my feelings. I didn't think he was the type of guy to look for a relationship. Yes, he flirted here and there, but I don't think it ever meant anything. Now, with everything else happening, I definitely don't think it'll ever happen. You snooze, You lose, I guess.

Music begins blasting throughout the atrium. I watch as Michael and Gregory take off from the sound booth, making their way back to us. Michael nearly takes a tumble coming down the last set of stairs, but he recovers nicely. I chose not to mention it, though. It wouldn't be very nice.

"Great job, superstar!" Freddy compliments Gregory as he hops on the lift. I turn to hit the button, but my eyes catch sight of red eyes just across the room. She doesn't notice us, but she's definitely too close for comfort. Michael follows my line of sight and is quickly slamming his hand on the button. I turn back to the group, nervously tapping my foot. Suddenly, the weight of having to figure out what's causing Freddy's potential system failure is a bit nerve-wracking. Freddy has never had damage this severe. It's going to be a pain to fix. I can already feel it.

"Uhhhh, guys? What time is it? Moon is going to get us!" I snap my head towards Gregory, and sure enough, there is moon in all of his glory hovering in the lift's shaft. Whose idea was it to let Moon have the ability to roam free? I, personally, would like to file a complaint.

"When the lift stops, all three of you head for the charging station." Freddy orders us.

"Will we all fit?" Gregory's question rings out.

"We will have to make it work, kid." Michael is quick to reply.

The lift stops soon after. I quickly pick up Gregory and follow Michael to the charging station. He opens the door, hops in, and then yanks me and Gregory in. We all hold our breath as we wait for the five minutes to pass. Freddy stands still so as not to attract attention.

"This is really uncomfortable. I can't breathe. Y'all are squishing me." Gregory whispers.

"You gotta better idea." Michael and I whisper at the same time.

The silence doesn't last long. The sound of metal collapsing is heard. All of us peek through the window just in time to see Moon wave at us and drag Freddy away.

"You have got to be kidding me."

Well, so much for repairing Freddy quickly.


Hellllllloooooo! Wow, two updates back to back! I'm really getting back into the swing of things. Also, I'm begging y'all to keep commenting! You guys are cracking me up! They also really make my day, and they make me laugh if I'm having a bad day. I really appreciate all the support I have been getting, though! I'm glad to see y'all actually like this book! I can't wait to write more! I'll see you guys soon!

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