Chapter 11: Getting Revenge

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I held my sword high, and so did Axel. He wasn't wearing armor for once, all he wore was a white linen shirt with brown trousers and gloves. "I'm as ready as I'll ever be." He whispered.
"On the count of three." I whispered back.
"Three," He said, "two,"
"One!" I shouted, jumping at him and attempting to slash him in the stomach. He dodged quicker than I expected, making me tumble to the ground.
"It's just started, and you're already falling? Weak." He said with a chuckle, standing over me. He lifted his sword and tried to stab me, but I got up before he could. I jumped back at him and managed to hit his arm with my sword. His sword nearly fell out of his hand, but he kept a good grip on it. I turned to him and slashed his thigh, leaving a small scar which tore his trousers. He grunted and punched me, leaving a very light bruise on my cheek. I cried out as I tumbled to the ground again.
"Vincent!" Charlotte cried. My sword fell out of my hand, but I quickly grabbed it again. As Axel stood over me, I cut his leg with my sword, and this time, he cried out in pain.
He was already bleeding a lot. He slashed my leg as I stood up, and I lunged at him.

I attempted to slash his arm, but instead all I did was leave a tear in his sleeve. The blood from his leg leaked out onto the bridge, and he hit my head with his sword. I cried out in agony and backed away from him. With my eyes closed, I punched him in the stomach, causing him to drop his sword and fall.
"Not too bad, but still weak!" He shouted, grabbing his sword and thrusting his body towards me, gashing my chest. It left a terrible tear in my clothes and blood immediately began to shed from it. I screamed and attempted to push him off of me. I raised my leg to his stomach and kicked him off of me. Most of the town folk were cheering for me, but some still cheered for him. He thrusted his body once again and punched me in the nose so bad it nearly broke, but all it did was begin to bleed. We stood up again and clashed our swords together, making a loud clanking noise. He put so much force onto it, but I didn't want to give up.
"Charlotte is mine!" He growled, his eyes and voice filled with rage.
"That's what you think!" I growled back, jumping onto him. I stabbed his arm and slashed at his face, he dropped his sword and it fell into the sea below us.
"No!" He screamed. He tried to punch me again, but I dodged.
He backed away from me and got back onto his feet. I began to corner him onto the edge of the bridge. If he fell, there was nothing that could stop him.
"Please," He whispered.

I slashed his stomach and he cried out as a very large tear formed on his shirt. His own blood got onto his shirt and dripped down from the scar. I pushed him off the bridge, but he held onto it with his hand, hanging on for dear life.
"Please, it doesn't have to end like this!" He begged. My crown fell off my head and fell into the sea.
"I'm begging you! I don't want to die! I'm only twenty-three, I'm too young!" He cried.
"Kill him." Jack's voice demanded. I lifted my foot up above Axel's hand.
"No!" He yelled.
I stepped down onto his hand, and he let go of the bridge, falling to his inevitable doom. As he fell, he screamed loudly and everyone watched it. He reached up to me and I saw tears in his eyes. His scream was bloodcurdling, it sent a chill down my spine. I grinned, looking down at him. He hit a rock, making him scream even louder. Eventually, he hit the water with a large splash, and he sunk all the way to the bottom. I had finally killed Axel Chambers, which meant Charlotte was mine. I didn't have to worry about anyone getting in the way.
"Axel is dead!" I shouted to everyone. Most of them cheered for me and praised me. I walked through the crowd back to the castle, where I opened the doors with a wide grin on my face. My mother was sitting on her throne but my father wasn't present. My mother saw the blood and scars on me and her eyes widened as I walked to her throne. She stood up in front of me.
"So, you won?" She asked.
"I did. And now it's time for me to win again." I replied.
With a chuckle, she said, "What on earth do you mean?"
With anger, I felt a sense of adrenaline. It was finally time for me to get rid of my number one problem in my life: my family. Aggressively, I pulled my mother to me and gashed my sword through her heart. Her blood splattered on me, and with a smile, I did it again. She didn't scream, she didn't gasp, because she collapsed to the floor immediately.

She died after I stood in front of her for a minute, and her blood began to spill onto the floor with each second. I felt a very small regret inside me, thinking of what my father would think to see his dear wife's dead body on the floor. It would be heartbreaking to him. He'd be like I was with Jack. I sighed, the smell of blood being the only present smell. It was disgusting, my own mother's blood was on my body. After a few more seconds of silence, I began walking up to Joel's room. I was ready to kill him as well, but he knew many self defense mechanisms, so it made me nervous. "You'll be alright," Jack's voice said to me, "it'll be easy to kill him."
I trusted Jack's words. When I reached Joel's room, it was quiet and his door was shut. I stood for a few minutes, but those minutes felt like an eternity. When I was ready, I bursted open his door, and he was standing by his window. When he saw the blood on me, he said, "You've won, I see."
"I did." I replied, "Mother is gone."
He narrowed his eyes and I could tell he knew what I'd done.
"I killed her, Joel." I added. "She's long dead, can't you see the blood?"
His eyes widened and he took a few steps forward. "You killed Mother?"
I lunged at him and bit his arm, my fangs falling deep into his veins. He yanked my head off of him and jumped onto me.
I wasn't ready to hurt him too much, but Jack's voice kept telling me to.
Eventually, I let go of my sword and grabbed his left arm with both of my hands. Very forcefully, I bent his arm the other way, and a loud cracking noise came from it. He cried out at the pain of his now broken arm.

He backed away and I picked my sword back up. He tumbled to the floor, resting his other hand on his arm. I smiled widely as I approached him. "Vincent! Stop!" He screamed as I lifted my sword above him.
He began to sob as I dug my sword straight into his chest. Blood began to shed immediately. He screamed loudly as I didn't stop, smiling at his agony.
"It doesn't have to end like this!" He yelled weakly.
"I will be king, and you will be nothing but forgotten and left in the past." I roared. At this point, my sword was covered in blood. Joel's eyes began to close, but I could tell he was trying his hardest to keep them open. To stay alive. When they did close, I knew he was dead. I walked out of his room, and a maid was standing by the door. She saw the blood and gasped in terror.
"Joel is dead, Mother is dead, Father is next. And so are you if you tell anyone." I said to her. She nodded and hurried down the hallway. I went the other way to the throne room, where I heard someone's sobbing. It was my father. As soon as I peered around the corner, I saw him, sitting by my mother's body. He had his hands in his face, he was sobbing so loud he was practically screaming.
I walked over to him slowly, and he couldn't hear me approaching him from how loud he was crying. I lifted my sword above his head, getting ready to end his life, feeling so much happiness knowing the man I hated most would very soon be gone. The man I'd always wanted to kill, but hadn't said it to anyone.

Suddenly, before I could do anything, he sobbed, "Jane, my love, please wake up."
It sent a chill down my spine when he said that. He said it with so much love yet pain in his voice. He was incredibly in love with my mother from the moment he met her. He'd never loved anyone as much as he loved her. It reminded me of myself as he sat by her body, crying his eyes out. It was like when Jack died. He was in my spot, and my mother was in Jack's spot.
"You know I can't do this without you." He bawled. That was exactly something I had said to Jack. I lowered my sword and waited for him to notice me. After a minute or so, he turned around and gasped at the sight of me.
"You," He whispered, "you've killed the love of my life."
I felt guilty. I had truly killed one of the only people he ever loved, as well as Joel.
"Joel is.. dead, too." I replied. He sobbed even more at my words. I wanted to apologize, to bring my mother back, to have a fresh new start with him. Maybe if I didn't kill my mother or Joel, we could have had a new start and could've maybe gotten along. But I ruined all chances of that happening.
He looked up at me with rage in his eyes.
"You're a monster!" He cried. "How could you do this!?"
I sighed and said, "I hated all of you."
"That is no excuse to murder innocent people!" He shouted.
"You're not innocent! If any of you were innocent, you would have shown me the love a son needs!" I argued.
"I always hated you, Vincent. I knew one day you'd do something like this. You should've never been born." He mumbled.

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