Chapter 9: Saying Goodbye

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As I arrived at the dungeon, I walked carefully down the stairs and into the area where all the cells were. There were many, many cells, how could I find Jack? It didn't exactly smell bad in the dungeon, but it wasn't a smell that I liked. It was old and dust was everywhere, nearly 90 years old. Occasionally, I passed people in the cells, but they all were asleep or dead. "Jack?" I shouted desperately. No answer. "Where are you?"
After 5 minutes of crying for Jack, I began to lose hope. I really thought Jack was dead by now. My stomach began to ache very horribly, I began to sweat, tears filled my eyes, and my hands began to shake.
"Please, Jack? Where are you?" I cried, my voice breaking.
Before a tear could fall, I heard the small sound of someone sobbing. It was Jack. I ran to where I heard it coming from: one of the cells. The cell door strangely was already opened, and Jack's cries were extremely weak.
"Vincent," He wailed.
I hurried into the cell, and saw a sight I'd never thought I'd have to see. It was agonizing, terrifying, nothing would have prepared me for it at all. It made my stomach hurt worse, my eyes widened, and I gasped.

Inside the cell, Jack was laying on the floor by the wall, and the dagger that Axel held was gashed right through his heart. His chest and hands were drenched in his own blood. He was sobbing, holding on to life by a thread. "Jack!" I cried, kneeling down beside him. I picked him up as carefully as I could and held him in my lap. He rested his head on my chest, holding his hand on the dagger.
"Vincent, I'm going to die." He sobbed.
"Don't say that." I argued. He gripped onto my shirt, quietly begging for comfort.
"Axel did this, Your Highness." He said. "Take the dagger out. I can't handle this much pain."
I sighed and gently placed my hand on the end of the dagger, and very slowly, slid it out of his heart. He cried even more and gasped softly in pain. I put it on the floor beside me.
"I'm sorry!" I cried, tears beginning to form in my eyes again.
He opened his mouth to say something, but he couldn't form words from how much pain he was in.
"Your Highness," He wailed, "please don't let go of me." Tears were already streaming down my face, and tears welled up in his eyes.
"Let us have a moment before I go." He whispered. I couldn't let this happen. I couldn't let Jack die. I hadn't prepared for the moment at all, I had no idea he'd be so endangered that day. I loved Jack like a father, I wanted him to live forever. All I'd ever wanted was the best for him. How could I let him die?

"No, Jack! No! You'll live!" I yelled, "I can get us out of here and take you back to the castle, the doctors will fix you up!"
His hands were shaking, and with each second, another tear fell from his eyes, as well as mine. He really didn't want to leave me, but something inside me knew that this needed to happen. As if he'd served all his time as my father figure and no longer needed to look after me. But I refused to believe any of that. I wanted him to stay longer, I wanted him to hold me, to comfort me, to sing to me and make sure I was always safe. He'd done all that throughout my life, and the both of us were grateful for it.
"I'm afraid not." He said, his voice getting weaker. "I'll die on the way there if you take me now." He added, his voice cracking slightly.
"Please don't say that. Please don't die on me." I begged. A warm smile formed on his face as I looked down at him. His smile forced me to remember everything we'd done together. The times we painted together, played the piano together, sang together, took walks together, and even learned how to use our powers together. He sighed and tried to wipe his tears, but his hands were shaking a bit too much.
"Listen, my boy," He began, "I know this is our last moment together. Promise me a few things, please?"
I nodded quickly, sniffling.

"Promise me you'll become a great king and carry on a great legacy?" He asked.
"I promise!" I sobbed. "But please, don't go, please. You know I can't do this without you."
"You can, my son. As long as you're still living, breathing, and your heart is beating, you can do it without someone." He explained.
I shook my head and closed my eyes, trying to make the tears stop.
"It will be hard without me here for you, but I promise to watch over you for the rest of your life." He sighed.
I felt so much guilt. It was my fault he was dying. If I'd never met Charlotte, everything would have been okay and he wouldn't have gotten hurt.
"It's my fault this is happening to you. I'm the one who deserves to die, not you!" I cried.
His smile seemed to get weaker and his hands were shaking less. His breathing was beginning to feel unusual and less tears fell from his eyes. He really was dying. He looked so tired, but still managed to smile through it.
"Vince, it'd be better if I died. I've lived a long time, I've served my purpose, I've taken care of you, but now it is time to go on without me." He explained, his voice getting quieter.

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