Chapter 7: The Search For Snickerdoodle

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Mariel woke up the next morning, hoping to head back to the science lab in case she and her friends had to do any more "slave labor." But just as she went to wake her friends, she noticed that Snickerdoodle WAS MISSING! "Oh shit!" She said under her breath before running outside. She began to frantically call for her lost dog, hoping the soldiers, or at the very least a civilian would find her. Especially given the circumstances. 

Suddenly, a loud boom was heard from a few feet away. At first, Mariel thought it was the soldiers just starting their daily training. But before she could leave the shelter, low and behold, there was a large meteor that missed the shelter by a landslide. "Holy SHI-" Mariel yelled before her mouth was covered with a cloth, causing her to black out. A man somewhere in his late 30s, geared in steampunk attire, dragged Mariel's limp body away from the site. "I can't have this....THING uncovering my footprints." The man said as he walked off site. 

Matt and the others woke up and were about to head back to Millstone. "I see Mariel is long gone." Joseph scoffed as he rubbed his eyes. "Maybe she had to find Snickerdoodle?" Slider responded while grabbing his backpack. They all piled outside and quickly took notice of the meteor. "Where the hell did that come from?" Jackie questioned. Slider put his things down and went to examine it. "It seems to be a....Meteor of sorts?" He questioned. "Well no shit sherlock. Of course its a meteor. But how did it wind up here?" Inez said. They all thought for a moment before the Sargent entered. "Top of the morning to you, kids." He greeted before stopping in his tracks. "Holy smokes... When did that get here?" He gasped. "We don't know, Sir. It must have landed not too long ago." Slider said nervously. The Sargent then locked eyes with Slider. "Listen here, Rookie. You and your friends need to head home ASAP. Once you arrive safely, lock your doors and stay inside until further notice." He commanded before the group saluted. "Sir! Yes Sir!" They said in unison before fleeing the scene single file. 

"Wait. Where's Snickerdoodle!" Jackie questioned. "I bet Mariel took her for a walk or something." Matt responded. "I mean she couldn't have gone far. Right?" Inez added. They walked off base and made their way back to Millstone. Just before hearing a loud voice calling their names.

Turns out it was Rowan, who was also on the hunt for Mariel. "Thank the stars I found all of you. Have any of you seen Mariel at all this morning?" He asked. "No. In fact, we all just got up." Jackie explained. "But we DID find a giant meteor next to the shelter!" Matt confessed. "Oh my God! I must check this out. Now go! Go find Mariel!" Rowan said as he ran past them. Everyone was confused, had he seen Mariel's whereabouts before she left? Just then, Slider received a call on his phone, hoping he'd get a call from Mariel, he answered the phone. 

"Hello?" Slider answered. "Hello, fellow recipient..." a voice said. The others looked at one another, confused as to what was going on. "Listen...I have your little freakshow friend in my lair... If you want her back, she'll need to do a favor for US! We got a deal?" Slider's skin went pale, but he stood his ground. "You've got it." He said in a snide manner. But before he could hang up, the unknown caller said one last thing...

"Also, don't interfere with her end of the bargain, or else she won't be seeing you or the light of day EVER AGAIN!" The call ended with a dead silence. 


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