Chapter 5: What's To Come?

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The next morning...

Matt was sitting on the couch, tuning into watching some TV, but due to recent events, the TV had no signal and would cut to static. "Well, shit." He grunted before turning off the TV and slamming the remote on the couch. "Matt? Can we talk?" Inez called from the kitchen. Matt obliged and went to meet up with his friend. "What's up, Inez? Do you happen to know why the TV is messed up?" He asked. "Well, not really. But I think I have a lead..." Inez claimed as she opened her laptop and showed Matt the article she read last night.. Matt took a brief second to read the article, a little skeptical of whether or not this would be genuine. "I dunno, Nezzie. This doesn't seem right...." Matt mused in a concerned tone. "Luckily for you, Matt. I got in touch with the person and he told me this was written by him and we'll meet up at the lab after breakfast." Inez explained.

After breakfast, the crew (and Snickerdoodle), made their way to the lab where they met Rowan, the owner of the lab. They all had a chat about what happened and what may come next. "Well, what exactly happened 10 years ago? Me and my friends moved to Millstone in 2020, so we don't know the story.." Mariel stated. "Sit down, kids. You're gonna be here a while..." Rowan said.

"My great grandpa opened this lab in the 1930s and worked as the head scientist up until his death in 2003. I wouldn't gain rights to the lab until 4 years later when I was 21 since he wrote in his will that he'd give the rights to a great grandchild regardless of gender and\or sexuality. Science was fun for a while, but my interest faded away a few years on. I was still the CEO, but I was absent from the lab and would let the scientists that worked there do their own thing. I'd check up on the team every now and then and there seemed to be little to no issues whatsoever. It wasn't until I came by one day and found the test labs to be a mess, floors contaminated with cocaine, blood on the counters, and needles scattered everywhere. I went to our intern CEO, who had been working on a project of his which was a portal to allow the person to travel through time, he admitted what happened and his plans to put ME out of business and that he'd take over. Of course, the authorities were called and everyone (except myself) was arrested." 

the group then began to connect the dots, that guy at the flea market was the intern CEO! "We met someone at the flea market, actually." Slider chimed in. "He had a portal and other witchcraft related items for sale." he explained. Rowan listened to the boy's story, and looking at some photos taken from Joseph's cell phone. "Yes, that is indeed him... You kids are really good at cataloging stuff like this." Rowan complimented. "Thanks! Do you happen to know anything about what could happen in the present?" Mariel asked. Rowan turned to a computer and started typing on a digitalized keyboard. 

"What's he doing?" Matt whispered. "No clue, but my guess is he's searching something important..." Jackie responded. Soon, a picture of a series of meteors projected onto the wall. "Oh dear..." Rowan mumbled. "What's wrong, Rowan?" Inez asked nervously. Rowan further examined the meteors and saw that they were slowly heading for Millstone. "There seems to be an apocalypse headed for us..." Rowan explained, receiving mixed reactions from the group, some's faces turning white, others dropping their jaws. "What are we gonna do?!" Mariel panicked! Rowan simply turned to the group and said, "Its best we prepare for the worst. I'll stand by and work on getting the town of Millstone ready for  what's to come. In the meantime, I need you all to gather supplies from Stonerood. Meet me here for further discussion." Rowan commanded as he escorted the group outside. 

"We....Are so fucked...." Joseph stuttered. "Let's not panic just yet, Joseph. Let's just worry about heading to Stonerood and gathering materials." Slider said reassuring his friend. "I mean...What could possibly go wrong? Plus they're having a yard sale today!" Mariel chimed. 

Yeah.... A lot went wrong.

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