Chapter 3: The Great Escape

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"Where are we...." Mariel mumbled rubbing her head. The group managed to untangle themselves from the pile and went on to explore their very limited vision. "Wait a second...I think I found a flashlight...." Matt said grabbing a flashlight and turning it on. Joseph, finally seeing Matt, felt the anger rise up inside him. "You really fucked up this time, Matt. Now we're in a damp basement in some building that I have no clue about!" he shouted. Matt then went on to explain what happened about how they've traveled back in time to 10 years ago. Everyone was shocked, confused, and frightened. ESPECIALLY Inez. "Oh this is not good, this is not good at all..." She muttered nervously. "What's wrong, Inez?" Mariel asked placing a hand on her friend's shoulder before Jackie interjected. "Maybe we should worry about....I dunno... Going back inside that portal?!" She snapped before hearing a pair of voices from above.

"Look, Carl. I'm really trying to work on that new portal. There just hasn't been much success!" a deep voice explained. There was cold dead silence for another second before a female suggested they check on the "tests subjects in the basement" which lead the crew to realize that Matt had made ANOTHER mistake! "Oh fuck. what did I do NOW!" he snapped before Joseph covered his mouth. "Let's just shut up and get into the portal." They then got up and ran towards the portal just as it was about to shut down. Good thing is they made it out in the nick of time.

But little did they know, their world would soon change.

The group returned to present day Millstone, but not back at the flea market like they had hoped for, but in another cellar. "Don't tell me we came back to a fucking basement!" Jackie snarled. A voice was then heard from outside, it was the vendor from earlier. "Yeah. Some dipshit fell into the portal, good thing I used that dust bucket as bait today, so we could fix what they ruined..." The vendor said. "Yeah, I'll bring it by the lab tomorrow....See if my plan worked...." a clicking noise was then heard after he hung up. He had LOCKED the cellar! "Well fuck. We're trapped AGAIN! Thanks a lot, Matt!" Mariel shouted. "Hey, its not MY fault I thought it was a mirror..." Matt retorted. Joseph broke up the argument and suggested they find something to unlock the door and FAST!

Inez went searching before she took a hairpin from Jackie and picked the lock with it, mission was a success. "Come on! We gotta head home before someone sees us!" Inez ordered as they all tumbled out, with the portal breaking in the process. "Let's just pretend that didn't happen." Matt responded as he ran off with the others. The group traveled from there to home for 2 hours...Before they stumbled into the town of Millstone, still as they left it originally....Except for ONE detail....

"Hey...That building isn't closed anymore!" Jackie pointed out. Matt pulled out a photo he took on his phone and compared it with present day. "That's the building I- we got stuck in!" He exclaimed. "Well shit. Come on, let's go home and worry about this tomorrow..." Mariel said as they walked back to the house. When they arrived, the door was already unlocked upon entry. "Huh...I could've sworn I locked it before we left." Slider said entering the house. It was just as they left it, except the TV was still on... "Ok this is officially getting weird..." Joseph responded examining the TV, the screen was nothing but static. The others went to check the other rooms to make sure there wasn't a robbery. Mariel entered the kitchen to find that the cabinet doors had been opened and all the food had been tampered with. Bags ripped open, cans knocked on the floor, the trash can also knocked over. Just before the girl could call 911, a faint whimpering was heard.

"What the....Oh my Gosh!" Mariel gasped.

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