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I suddenly rise from lying down remembering everything that had happened before I passed out. This made my head ached a bit and I felt dizzy but I blinked it away and tried to just ignore it. Looking around, I found no one and panic started to fill my heart.

Where am I? Where are my kids? Is my husband here? What happened? Am I dead? Are the questions I can't seem to voice out.

I realized I am in a fully furnished spacious room. I can't stop myself from running my fingers along the feathery soft like mattress of the bed I was laying down. There is a vanity table with a round mirror in it located at the left side of the bed. I can see my reflection in it and thanks God, there are no signs of abuse that can be spotted on my face. I am just not so sure with my other body parts. Just across the bed is an enormous closet, whoever owns this room must've own a lot of clothes. This room is bigger than the unit we own in the apartment, I wonder why I am here.

Even though I wanted to stay in bed, I decided to get up to look for my kids.

To avoid any noise, I tippy toed towards the door. I am not sure why but I don't feel right here. Its like there is danger lurking just outside the door. And if my feeling is right, I have to find my daughters quickly.

I opened then closed the door slowly still tippy toeing. I figured out that I have no sense of direction here. Outside the room I just went out is a long hall way with a lot of doors probably the same where I just came from. Its like a hotel.

Thankfully, I noticed a wooden railing that could be a stair. I went that direction and I was right. Descending ever slowly and I started to hear squealing and laughter which belongs to my daughter and others I don't recognize.

The girls are playing with other children in the palatial living room. Confusion swallowed me. The girls are fine, I am fine. How about my husband and where are we?

"Mom!" both of my daughters called, smiles plastered on their faces. Before I can asked anything another figure came out from a door, probably connected to the kitchen, I didn't realize was there.

"You're awake." I remembered this man. He's the one who grabbed me inside a car the other day.

"Where am I?" I asked fearfully remembering how he attacked by biting me.

"I know you're confused, afraid maybe, but before I answer your questions, let's eat first. I know you're hungry."

"I am no-" before I could finish my tummy answered for me which he replied with a smirk.

"Follow me. Don't worry about the kids they already had their breakfast." he said as he lead me to the room where he came from.

Delicious smell greeted my nose which made my stomach rumble even louder of that is possible. There are pancakes, hotdogs, eggs, bread and other food available on the table. I wonder how many of us will be eating.

"Dig in." he said which made me realize that these food are just for the two of us.  I didn't complain, I felt like I haven't eaten for days.

While we're eating, I was observing slash checking the man that sat across me. He's handsome. His sleek black hair it looks so soft I want to run my fingers on it. His thick eyebrows accentuates his emerald eyes. His perfect nose. His kissable lips, I wonder how it'll feel like against mine.

"3 days. You were out for 3 days. And no, I am not reading your thoughts or any of that. I just thought you should know." he explained as heat crept up my cheeks. I really thought he was reading my mind. Oh God, that would be very embarrassing.

Since he can't read my mind, I took the liberty to check him out more but of course I tried my best so we wouldn't notice. He is a well built man, by the looks of it he probably is working out. I imagine him without his shirt on, for sure he have abs and those biceps, oh my God, I could probably hold on to that for dear life. With his clean-cut good looks, damn. He's hotness is reaching in between my legs. I wonder what his name is.

"Mike. My name is Mike." he said not looking at me.

I am as red as tomato now there is no way that he wasn't reading my mind. My mouth keeps opening and closing like a fish out of water, lost for words. I was so shocked and embarrassed at the same time. And if there is something redder that tomato that's what my face look like when he decided to look at me and ask,

"Is something wrong? Are you feeling sick?" he asked worriedly.

"Are you sure you aren't reading my thoughts?" I asked angrily to cover my embarrassment.

"No. Of course not. I just thought you might want to know what my name is, Lina." he said.

"How do you know my name?"

"Oh, I know everything about you, Lina." he chuckled while I was engulf into the sinkhole of confusion.

As Long As You Love MeTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang