Chapter Eight ~ Unfortunate

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Warning! Please skip this chapter if you are sensitive to the following:
- Heavily implied abuse/torture
- Also a heads up that Knight cookie is a huge asshole (ooc)

Madeleine entered the castle with a skip in his step, humming a tune. At last, today he was free to do anything he pleased and relax—

"Madeleine cookie, can you go check on Espresso cookie?" Gingerbrave appeared beside him all of a sudden, making the knight jump.
"Sorry to startle you." he added quickly.

Madeleine's now sour mood was masked by his signature smile and boastful attitude.

"Why, of course!"

Gingerbrave grinned at him, walking away to most likely attend to another one of those pesky "council meetings".
As soon as the teenager was out of sight, the blond frowned, groaning into his hands. Just when he thought he could finally get a day off, Gingerbrave had to pop out of nowhere and give him that job. Why couldn't he ask someone else? Knight cookie perhaps?

Aha. A great idea, he would think to his egotistical self. The knight never missed an opportunity for self praise!
Now, he must go and find Knight cookie who surely would be kind enough to accept the offer of keeping watch over Espresso cookie while he could go home for a well earned nap.

Madeleine entered a large room where his knight comrades would most likely be hanging out, the Guardroom.
He scanned the heads of the chattering cookies until his gaze landed upon a familiar cookie of golden locks. He strode over to the cookie with a large smile on his face, immediately slapping his back to greet him which got an alarmed "Oomph!!" out of Knight cookie.

"Greetings my acquaintance! How are you this fine afternoon?" His voice boomed, pure light radiating off of his shining armour. There was barely even any sun shining into the room.

Knight coughed into his fist, turning to the knight commander,
"Commander! I am well, you?"

"Haha! I am as amazing as ever my friend! Now, I have a favour to ask of you." Madeleine's tone turning serious.

Knight's eyebrows raised curiously.

"I have been assigned to watch over Espresso cookie, but I desperately do not want to. Do you mind if you take over for me just for today?"
he asked, a hint of hopefulness in his voice.

"Why is it that you don't want to?" Knight crossed his arms, "Are you just passing a bad burden onto me?"

"Psh, no.." he trailed off, "Although he is a bit of a handful. But please watch over him for me?" pleaded the paladin.

Knight cookie sighed, "Fine."

"Thank you friend!"

And with that, Madeleine cookie strode off in the opposite direction, eager to arrive home and dive into his silk sheeted bed.

"And what if he misbehaves?" Knight called after him.

Madeleine stopped in his tracks to think about what he just said. Misbehaves? Sure Espresso cookie was irritating but he'd hardly call that misbehaving. Eh, whatever he's probably over thinking the matter. The knight waved his hand at him.

"Do what must be done."

As he rounded the corner, he swore he caught sight of the most uncharacteristic smirk that appeared on Knight cookie's lips. A horrible feeling settled in his gut, making it twist uncomfortably. But he trusts Knight cookie not to do anything harsh, he is too kind hearted. That cookie always would commit countless selfless acts, it was almost admirable to him.

Then why did he have such a bad feeling?

No, no he's overthinking again. Madeleine shrugged it off, pushing down the feeling of dread as he continued on his path home. For good measure, he'd check on Espresso sometime in the morning. Everything would be fine.

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