Chapter Three ~ Temptations

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"Stop glaring at your milkshake like it's just murdered your entire family."

Madeleine looked up to the girl sitting at the table in front of him, interrupting his thoughts.
Latte took a sip of her own beverage, raising an eyebrow.

"You've been really quiet this whole time. What's gotten into you?" she asked.

Madeleine crossed his arms in protest.
"Just thinking."

"About..?" Latte inquired.

"That coffee mage." he replied.

Latte stopped sipping and glanced at him with a baffled expression. She smiled knowingly.

Madeleine noticed the look on her face and panicked.

"That coffee mage and how much I want to punch his stupid face!" he spluttered.

The shorter female laughed, shaking her head. "You're weird."

"Yeah? Well you're stupid."

"You're annoying."


"Will you two shut up?" Gingerbrave suddenly appeared beside them, arms crossed.

Madeleine blinked at him, "Oh, hello Gingerbrave."
Gingerbrave smiled warmly, "I need you two for the patrol today."

Latte groaned, "Do we have to go through that damned forest again?"

Madeleine looked at her with a puzzled expression, "Come on it's not that bad."

"You just wanna see that evil coffee guy again." She narrowed her eyes.

"No I don't." He replied almost too quickly.
"And if I did it would be to punch his face. With my fist."

Latte grinned, "More like punch his face with your mouth—"

"Okay guys enough, seriously." Gingerbrave cut her off, pinching the bridge of his nose. "Follow me please."

Latte and Madeleine got up from the table, exchanging glares at each other.

By the Divine Latte is annoying as hell.
She is almost like a sister to him though. His best friend. Latte was pretty much the only cookie who really understood him. She would know if he was faking a smile, a laugh or even if he'd say he's fine but really he isn't. Latte would always see through the mask he put on like it was a transparent piece of plastic. She was always there for him when he needed someone the most.

Perhaps she was right about one thing, he really did long to see the mage again. Over the past few months the cookies of darkness and the Vanilla Kingdom warriors would engage in various battles, the mystery coffee mage being the most powerful out of all the cookies of darkness.

The mage would always have a new skill up his sleeve, it was almost impressive. Admirable.

No. Not admirable. He's the enemy remember?

Over the past few battles, Madeleine had never gotten the opportunity to get a good look at the mage until the recent battle where he quite literally made him bleed. It felt good in all honesty, finally being able to touch him if only with his sword.

It assured him that the mage was actual real and not some figment of his imagination. Because my God he looked too good to be true. Except he wasn't good. He was bad. He is bad. The mage is the bad guy. His enemy. A rival perhaps? He doesn't even know the cookie's name.

In the moment of their 'staring contest', Madeleine actually got the chance to finally take in the features of his face.

Not the time to think about his face Madeleine.
For Divine's sake get it together.

As he followed his companions, Gingerbrave, Wizard, Strawberry, Latte, Rye Chili Pepper, into the vast vegetation in front of him all he could think about was the look in the shorter male's eyes as he gazed back at him.


Espresso glared angrily at his sister. How could she be saying this right now? Such a foolish decision.

"Look I know you're unhappy with this but it's for your own good."

It always has to be for his own good. She doesn't know shit about what is good for him or not. She knows what he's capable of but going as far as forbidding him to leave the castle because of it? He knows he's really powerful and everything but he didn't expect it to get to this point where 'his powers must be protected' and all that corny bull shit.

"Me and Licorice are going back into the forest. Stay in your room."

Why? Why did they always leave him in the dark? He may be the youngest but surely he is of the same value? This isn't fair.
They don't trust me.
They don't trust me not to screw everything up like I'm a clown in a circus.

Espresso would not stand for this. He needs to prove his worth. He wants to prove that he can be trusted once more.

The mage watched his siblings from his bedroom window. They looked like small insects from the height of his room. Why even was it so high up? Stupid.

He watched them curiously. They were just speaking to each other at the moment. Most likely trash talking their reckless little brother as if he's just a wooden puppet with no feelings what so ever. He scowled at the thought.

Espresso adjusted his glasses as he watched them finally make their way into the forest below, in the direction of the Vanilla Kingdom. Why were they heading towards the Vanilla Kingdom? The mage had always been a curious child, perhaps too much for his own good.

Carefully, he opened the latch on the window. Dark Enchantress really needs to get that lock fixed huh?
The window successfully wide open, he closed his eyes and held out his hands, focusing his coffee magic energy on himself. A few beats later he was in the air. He was flying. The levitation spell he'd been working on for months had finally worked. He let out a triumphant "Hah!", obviously very impressed with his handiwork.

The mage carried himself down the castle walls, onto the stone path beneath him. He took a moment to check himself over for any burns he might have caused with the magic. To his surprise, he was completely burn free. Espresso smiled cheekily, rushing to the direction that his siblings had gone in.

I won't screw everything up this time.

I'll prove it you, just you wait.


1025 words

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