Chapter Four ~ Overexertion

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Tw: Violence, blood, suicidal thoughts kinda

Madeleine winced as one of Licorice's minions sliced it's sword through the soft fabric covering his upper thigh, piercing his skin. The knight kicked the minion, sending it tumbling into the bushes. Licorice worked on summoning more while Pomegranate healed him.
Latte appeared next to the panting knight commander, eyeing his wounds.

"We really should have brought a healer with us. Will you be alright?" her voice was laced with concern.

Madeleine flipped his glowing sword in his hand, gripping it tightly with an egotistical grin, "They won't stand a chance against the Divine's Light."

Latte gave him a lopsided grin before summoning a latte glyph to take out half of the damage of the cake beasts that had emerged from the forest and decided to aid the cookies of darkness in the attack. She hopped onto her staff, launching herself into the air and catapulting back down to swipe her staff at the cake beasts, finishing them off. She gave a satisfactory smirk, flipping her hair before running off to join Chili Pepper and Rye.

Madeleine shook his head fondly, turning to face Pomegranate who stood tall before him. She raised her mirror, sending waves of a strange scarlet coloured mist in his direction. The knight summoned his shield, deflecting the attack. Pomegranate stumbled backwards, Madeleine taking this as an opportunity to lunge at her, driving her to the dirt below. Pomegranate scowled up at the knight that was standing over her, fear making its way across the features of her face.

"Where's your little coffee mage when you need him hm?" Madeleine cooed, raising his sword to finish the job.

Pomegranate's eyes widened in horror as she tried to shield her face from the upcoming attack. The knight gave a cold smile which turned into a gasp as his trusty sword was driven right out of his hands by a flaming coffee bean. Could this be...?

"Let her go." a male voice bellowed from just a short distance to his right.

Madeleine whipped his head to the side as his eyes locked with a familiar pair of light browns. Except this time around there was no trace of softness, only pure malice and terrifying anger. His eyes were fired up like flames, eyes narrowed as the light of the coffee scented flames erupting from his hands reflected off his glasses.

Pomegranate gritted her teeth at the sight of her brother. "No," she muttered.

Espresso glanced down at the trembling female, rolling his eyes.
"Oh please sis, I'm quite literally saving your skin right now."

He looked back at the bewildered knight. "Let her go." He repeated.

Madeleine scoffed, "Make me."
He raised his fists in a fighting position, shields still floating around him to protect the knight from any damage.

Espresso cocked his head with a raised eyebrow, intrigued.
This cookie is rather overconfident.

Fascinating. Too bad it'll be the death of him.

The mage laughed, the shrill noise echoing in Madeleine's ears.


The mage immediately sent a wave of coffee magic in his direction, knocking the knight back a few steps. The blond stumbled on his feet but regained balance, lunging for the brunette with the intention to strike. Espresso dodged, kicking the side of his stomach. Madeleine clutched the spot he'd kicked, pain surging throughout his body. The mage smirked, watching him re-enter his battle position, a little dazed.

"Stop!" he heard Pomegranate yell. Why should he stop? He's saving her. He's proving to her that he's not a screw up.
Espresso growled, using his coffee magic to levitate his sister and send her flying into the other direction to safety. She yelped as she hit the ground, tumbling over a few times before an alarmed Licorice cookie immediately rushed to her aid.

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