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Hermione apparated straight into Grimmauld Place.

"Harry Potter, where the hell do you get off?"


"You think you could just throw me at him? You think you can just push your best friend into the arms of a man like a common whore? You make him your little project and then leave him to the wolves! Well, you 'tried your best' didn't you, Harry?"

"Hermione, what're you—"

"Save it!" Hermione pushed Draco's note into Harry's chest, shoving him backwards a bit as he scrambled to grab the slip of paper before it flitted to the floor.

As he read the note, his face paled and he was overwhelmed with guilt, looking at her. Anyone could tell by looking at her that she was falling apart.

"Fuck you, Harry Potter," she whispered, she cried. But as much as she wanted to be mad, needed to be mad, she couldn't do anything but collapse into her best friend's arms. "Fuck you, Harry."

They fell to their knees, Harry's arms wrapped tightly around her, trying to comfort her as best he could, despite her ramblings. She cried, and he held her, rubbing her back as she shook. At some point her body slowed its shaking, signifying Harry that she had calmed. He tried to pull away, but found all her weight on him. She'd fallen asleep.

Ginny approached the scene, a pained smile on her face as she held Hermione steady as they laid her back onto the ground. They levitated her onto their couch, knowing she was more than likely very sleep deprived. Ginny sat with her for a while, stroking her hair and lightly caressing the frown lines out of her forehead as she slept. Bringing her lips to the top of her head, Ginny stood and joined her husband in the kitchen, the hallway allowing a view of the living room.

Harry opened his arms to her, resting his chin atop her head as she wrapped her arms around his back.

"You okay?" she whispered.

"I just hope she's okay," he replied, closing his eyes and relaxing into his wife's embrace. "She's right, you know. I did do what I did because of guilt. I just hope... I want to make it up to her, Gin, but I... I honestly don't know how we're gonna get past this. I don't know how she's gonna get past this. I think she loves him."

Ginny nodded into his chest silently, deep in thought.

"Why don't you think she told me?"

"Honey..." Harry pulled away, holding her out by her arms to look at her lovingly. "You know how she is. She's completely convinced she has to fight all her battles alone."

Ginny's eyes started to well up with tears, Harry's too.

"We need to do better," Ginny purred sadly.

"I know," Harry murmured, placing a kiss on her forehead. Upon hearing a door down the hallway open and close, he looked and saw Albus, dragging his blanket behind him, rubbing the sleep from his eyes with Lily close behind. "Albus, Lily, go to sleep, dears."

"Mummy, what was all that noise?" Albus squeaked, yawning, walking on his toes.

"Nothing, baby, just Aunt 'Mione," Ginny assured, holding his hand and picking up Lily, walking over to the couch. "She's been sad recently so she's gonna have a sleepover with us. That okay with you, boss?"

Albus nodded happily at the notion that he was in charge, letting Ginny put him and Lily to bed.

Harry watched as his wife talked to their children and couldn't help but feel as content as could be, even with Hermione broken-hearted on his couch. He wondered how he would've handled her situation. An abusive husband, hitting her and doing her wrong. A man who saw her and saw her pain. Harry didn't know the details, but it was obvious something happened.

Harry wondered if he would've stayed faithful, if he was in her shoes. Would he have been as mad at him as she was? Would he have told anyone?

No matter how Harry thought about it, he couldn't convince himself any of those decisions were easy. Hermione was following her heart, and ultimately it was Harry's fault for putting Malfoy in her path.

Part of him was proud of himself and glad he did what he did because it gave Hermione a type of support that he couldn't provide. But another was extremely guilty for not being there for her. For whoring her to Malfoy. For not telling her what Malfoy asked him to. For not thinking that piece of information would've changed everything if he just listened.

If he had listened to Malfoy when he was bleeding out on the floor. If he had listened to Hermione when she pleaded his innocence.

He should've listened.

Before he decided to turn in with his wife and kids, he poured himself a drink, downing it in a smooth, fluid gulp. He put the glass away, rubbed Hermione's shoulder as he passed the couch, and entered Albus's room, the four of them on Albus's tiny bed and baby Sirius in the cradle in the corner.


Hermione saw red through her eyelids as sunlight flooded into the living room from the kitchen windows. She didn't remember falling asleep, but her nose was overwhelmed by the aroma of breakfast being made. A sugary, buttery smell, like pancakes. And eggs.

All at once it seemed Harry approached her, handing her a cup of tea as she sat up. She thanked him wordlessly and allowed him to sit next to her, nursing his own cuppa.

"Harry..." Hermione started, carefully, not meeting his eyes. "What exactly did he ask you to tell me?"

"I'm sorry, Hermione. I should've told you and I'm sorry," Harry answered, working up the courage to recount that day. "It was... Well really a series of moments I collected throughout Hogwarts. He always... watched you. Admiring or something. When you first met. At the World Cup, I saw him in the rush to escape. He ushered for me to get you out. After the Yule Ball, he even approached Ron after you ran out and he followed you, and 'Mione he looked pissed beyond all reason. I saw you two in the Astronomy Tower after the Department of Mysteries.

"And then... sixth year, when I attacked him in the bathroom... Hermione, he was bleeding out and I tried to run, but he grabbed my pant leg and spoke to me."

Hermione's brow was furrowed and her eyes were wide, willing him to continue.

"He told me to tell you he was sorry. 'When all this is over' he said. I asked him why and... he said he loved you and he asked me to take care of you," Harry exhaled, looking into her now teary eyes. "I'm so sorry, 'Mione."

Tears fell down her face as she shook her head at his apology. It wasn't necessary, but she'd never heard it out loud before. That he loved her. She put her mug on the coffee table, letting her face fall into her hands as she wept quietly. Harry rubbed a comforting hand on her back.

"I need to save him, Harry," she pleaded. "I need to solve this case. I need the vials, Harry. I think I overlooked something and I need the vials, please.

"I can do this."

Harry thought for a moment, unsure if it was the best idea. But she needed it, he knew she did. So he nodded, giving her the key to his desk drawer at the precinct.

She quickly composed herself, folding the blanket she slept with and placing it on the arm of the sofa. She brought her half-full cup of tea to the kitchen, leaving it beside the sink and making her way toward the floo.

Before she was able to let the powder fall from her fist, Harry spoke.

"Hermione," he called out. "Bring him home."

She nodded, dropping the powder and entering the precinct on her way to the Zabini residence.

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