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"Hermione, I really think you should go with him," Harry pleaded once again at Hermione's office door. "You're partners in this case, you need to work together."

"Harry, I understand that, but Malfoy's a big boy, I'm sure he can handle himself. Besides, I have other things I need to be working on," she shuffled through her folders, making it apparent that she couldn't, even though she could, spare even a minute.

Harry groaned and approached her desk, slowly, putting a hand on the folders, pushing them down onto the desk; this forced her eyes up, exacerbated.

"Don't worry, Harry," she reassured, "I won't tell Ginny you've got a crush on Draco Malfoy."

She giggled and walked to the other side of her office toward a large bookshelf that took up the entire wall, looking for a book, but Harry was sure it was just a distraction.

"'Mione, it's bigger than that," Harry whined.

"You're in love with Draco Malfoy?" She turned around to look at him, with the most devious smile she had ever given.

"You know what I mean," Harry sounded defeated, "I just think he needs this. He's been alone all his life, 'Mione, he needs to start coming back into society. I know we don't like him, I know. But he's been nothing but good to anyone since the war and he deserves to start over. The right way."

Hermione thought about his words. He was right, of course, and she knew it, but something told her she shouldn't be fraternizing with Draco. She knew this prejudice would have to subside eventually, but she wasn't sure she would be prepared for the aftermath. Ignorance was always so much easier.

She nodded toward Harry with sad eyes, who sighed in relief and left the office.

Malfoy was to leave any second now, there was no way she would catch him. Despite this, she raced down the hall toward Draco's office which was about four doors down. She stood in the open doorway, staring at Draco who had his back to her, leaning over his desk. His suit jacket stretched across his back as he reached to grab something when Hermione leaned a little too forcefully against the door. The creak startled him; he spun around, wand raised, ready to throw a spell.

Hermione flinched and fell back into the door, breathing frantic when Draco realized what was going on and approached her, holding her forearms to his sides whispering to her that he wasn't going to hurt her.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry," he whispered into the side of her face, knowing he must've triggered some sort of panic, a flashback maybe, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean anything by it. I'm sorry."

Her breathing slowed as he continued his wisps of reassurance. Finally, she reached her arms to grip his biceps, indicating she was calm again. He looked into her eyes and nodded, stepping back toward his desk. She felt the warmth leave her forearms and followed him to his desk, looking out the door to see if anyone had witnessed what had just occurred.

"Harry said I should come with you to find the pub; said it would be more efficient," Hermione explained. He only nodded, collected his things, and held out his arm for her to apparate with him.


The building was a skinny two-story, dark brown wood outside and black concrete steps leading to the front door. Draco took the lead and rang the doorbell when a tall dark man opened the door with a small woman with straight black hair hanging on his arm.

"Mate!" the man exclaimed. Pulling Draco into a tight embrace. "What're you doing here? Finally ready to meet the girl I wanted to set you up with— Oh. Granger. Curious seeing you here... with Draco."

"Sorry, mate, here on strictly business," he pulled Hermione closer behind him, trying to keep her more out of Blaise's sight. "I just needed to ask what that pub was where you had your bachelor party? Can't really tell you why; ministry business."

"Yeah, it's erm Richard's Pub over in East Sussex, a muggle place" Blaise answered uneasily, leaning ever so slightly to see Hermione cowering behind his best mate. "Are you sure you can't come in? Not even for a cuppa?"

Draco explained they were on a deadline, much to Hermione's approval who's discomfort began to grow exponentially. They apparated once more to an alleyway in a small outdoor shopping mall and put their wands away. As Draco started to reach the main sidewalk, Hermione stopped him with her words.

"Malfoy, do they still..." she searched for the word, "you know... Do they still hate m—"

"They aren't going to do anything to you," he looked at her over his shoulder, not facing his body toward her. "Come on, it's this way."

She assumed he was avoiding the question but decided to leave it alone and focus on the case. They were so close to catching The Splincher, they hadn't had a breakthrough for weeks; it had been a miracle Draco had found anything at all.

The pair approached a small building, a large stone path with a couple people standing around finishing up their drinks despite it being around 10 o'clock in the morning. She wondered if that was normal, for muggles to drink more than wizards; she thought of the dangers. Wizards of course are always armed with a lethal weapon, but humans are equipped with cars, appliances, and the like. She wasn't sure what to do with her thoughts so she simply tucked them away.

Draco made his way toward the back door, holding a finger to his lips to tell Hermione to keep quiet. With some disgruntled words from the muggle brewer, the two looked at the figures sitting in the booths and the tables, looking for the signature robes when Hermione spotted him in the far corner by the door. She stepped on Draco's foot and nodded her head toward The Splincher, nonchalantly pulling out her wand.

She whispered a charm to lock all exits of the pub, nudging Draco to approach him from the right, she would take the left, but the man sensed the movement and quickly ran to grab a young woman in the booth next to his and and attempted to apparate before Draco yelled out a stun and hit him square in the chest.

"Nobody leaves!" Draco yelled. "Sit down where you are, do not move! Slide your cell phones to the middle of the room, now!"

Both the woman and The Splincher were thrown into the wall, the woman's shirt tore and Draco ran toward to restrain the man with charmed handcuffs designed to block his magic.

Meanwhile, Hermione started to obliviate the people in the shop before they attempted to leave or call muggle law enforcement. Once that was finished, she approached the young woman who couldn't have been any older than 20.

"Rennervate," she whispered, taking her cardigan off and wrapping it around the girl, asking if she was alright. Draco immediately spotted small, circular bruises lining Hermione's shoulder and checked to see if they were on the other side as well; they were.

They took the girl to St. Mungo's and brought The Splincher into the Auror department with a round of applause from spectating witches and wizards standing outside their offices. Now all that was left was the paperwork after; they both had to fill out all the details and sign their names at the bottom.

Draco came into her office to get her signature which she gave gladly. He was about to leave before stopping at the closed door and turning toward her.

"Granger?" he questioned, his voice dripping with worry.

"Yes, Malfoy?"

"Are you alright?" he started, walking back toward her, standing on the side of the desk opposite of hers. "You've got bruises on your shoulders."

Her face twisted in confusion as she examined her own shoulders and realized he was right. She started to rub her shoulders and she bit her bottom lip, not sure what to say. Draco took off his suit jacket, leaving him in his tight collared shirt, wrapping it around her shoulders, sliding her arms in.

"I'm alright, I really don't know what they're from, really," she attempted to pull the jacket off and give it back but he stopped her.

"It's alright," he smiled, "You can just give it back tomorrow. Goodnight, Granger."

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