I am ME!

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I'm aloof but I can be friendly when someone tries to converse with me.

I'm very quiet but I can be a chatty one with someone I am close to.

I'm reclusive but I can reach out to people whom I trust.

I'm a good listener but I can't be a good speaker. I prefer listening to talking and sharing my thoughts.

I might choose reading over conversing but I am someone you can talk with everything.

I might just write all my thoughts but there are times I need to let some of it out to someone and hear some good ideas and advice.

We all have negative traits and weaknesses. We should not dwell on them instead focus on the positive ones and strengths. It's not all about the flaws and imperfections but it matters on one's capabilities and on how they deal and overcome their shortcomings! There are always aspects and areas in life that all of us are good at. We should focus on them rather than criticize the bad ones.

Yuchae Moon

Unheard Voice and Unexpressed Feelings [2018-2020]Where stories live. Discover now