Distrusting People

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It's confusing when people that you love talk bad and negatively about you behind your back! Confronting you is never enough that they have to report your flaws and mistakes to someone whom you know as well. So it makes you a bad person now and they will probably change their perception of you.

I don't really do that. When I notice someone's mistakes and flaws and they hurt me unknowingly, I always keep it to myself. I always try to understand them and the reason why they do that. I don't vent out to other people about someone's mistakes and shortcomings. I believe if you can't help them, avoid speaking ill about them to other people. It really doesn't help and it will make you a distrusting person who can't keep sensitive issues and secrets. I loathe this kind of behavior. The practice should be ceased.

Yuchae Moon

Unheard Voice and Unexpressed Feelings [2018-2020]Where stories live. Discover now