Lucky to have a friend like her

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You know that feeling when you have a friend you can freely and comfortable to talk to. It's bliss! Honestly, I couldn't remember the time when I trusted someone this much. I'm an aloof person and always keep things to myself. I usually just write things down. However, this friend of mine is different. I feel like I can be more open to her and she is to me. I can talk to her about me and what I'm going through. She's like a best friend that I've never had.

I don't usually share things with my other two close friends (I share things with them but not with the ones that are hard to open up) but her. I feel I can tell her everything without getting judged and humiliated. I can really trust her! She can trust me as well. I am a secret keeper and expect me to keep your secrets till my last breath.

I'm just too happy I have her in my life. Our friendship is something unexpected. I believe that unexpected happenings are beautiful and tend to last longer. Ah! I'm so grateful I have someone I can open up with. I hope it stays like this forever! We might not talk/chat often but I'm thankful I have someone to message when I want to let things out. I'm so glad cos she trusts me as well with her life story and she likes to talk to me. Only a few of my real-life friends like to talk to me. I think only 4 of them including her. It's really a nice feeling!

I have this feeling that I want to share everything about any significant, eventful and disappointing day but I don't want to bother her so I will just write them down. I'll wait till she messages me and share something about her and I'll open up. ;)

Yuchae Moon

Unheard Voice and Unexpressed Feelings [2018-2020]Where stories live. Discover now