Be Truthful Always (About Big Ed)

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Lesson learned: Be truthful always! No matter how you think it is trivial for you, tell the truth still! If you can't even trust your woman fully, don't expect to be trusted in return. Treat your woman right and she'll do everything for you.

The problem with Big Ed is he has some trust issues since he cheated on his ex-wife and doesn't want to be cheated in return. (Poor Big Ed! Afraid of his own shadow! Haha! ) He thinks asking for an STD test in their first meeting isn't offensive. Just because Rose has a child it doesn't mean she's a slut. Big Ed didn't even try to know her better and just jumped to conclusions. I get it he's just insecure but he should consider Rose's feelings as well. There are lots of red flags in their relationship and I'm not surprised they split up. Rose just had enough from being humiliated, belittled and distrusted.

Here's what people think about foreigners who seek love online and find women from the Philippines. They think all Filipina women are golddiggers, well it might be true to some but generally, you should know someone well before committing to them. This is not only applicable to being in a relationship with Filipina women. Men know what they want. They heard bad and sad stories (the unsuccessful relationships) but still they willingly venture to look for love and commit relationships with Filipinas. Don't blame the women or the men. Don't blame anyone if their relationships fail. People say awful things about their previous relationships. They were once happy together and didn't even think a single negative thing about their partners. It has nothing to do with the race. In fact, there's only a handful of people who say something good about their previous partners.

Yuchae Moon

Unheard Voice and Unexpressed Feelings [2018-2020]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora