Chapter 4: Confrontation

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3rd Person P.O.V.

Today is the day Huge Gigantacus will attack Homeworld, except Rose never said when. All she knew that he was coming today. All Crystal Gems were notified to be present on Homeworld today, all except for Steven and Phoebe.

Steven doesn't need to know about this. It may be wrong, but keeping Steven in the dark about this would keep him calm and sane. Today will not be the last battle they'll see of Huge Gigantacus. 

Rose said Huge Gigantacus won't go down easy. She may be the universe's trickster and has made a fool of him multiple times, but she has to put effort when fighting him. That should say plenty about him.

Yellow was craving a fight, she always wanted to pound something with her hands. Rose said everyone would have a chance of crushing their opponents without killing anybody, because Huge Gigantacus doesn't have henchmen, with the exception of his servant Iron Boarder, he has robots doing his work. Iron Boarder is a different kind of issue.

He may occasionally hate his job, but it pays very well, and he works to the amount Huge Gigantacus pays him. His monthly salary is over 50,000 and Huge Gigantacus doesn't use taxes. As a bonus, it came with a 401k plan, which is more than what most employers offer in this galaxy. 

Iron Boarder isn't too threatening, though. All we does is float on a iron board, which can fly. He is mainly a support character for Huge Gigantacus, or a side kick. 

"Everyone, please, pay attention to me." Rose politely gathered everyone to listen to her.  "Okay... I'm sorry for the sudden situation we are faced with. I know one day of preparation isn't enough for you, but I dearly hope you all are ready for this. Huge Gigantacus most definitely has countermeasures for each and every one of you."

"Are you okay, Rose?" Howard asked.

"Yeah, your legs or vines are shaking." Spinel pointed out.

Rose used her cape to hide her legs/vines. "I'm fine. Just nervous."

"What about?" Yellow Diamond asked.

"Huge Gigantacus is stronger than ever, way powerful than my last confrontation with him. He has the entire Galaxy at his fingertips. There's nowhere in this Galaxy we could go without him knowing. I feel a little claustrophobic." Rose explains, sounding nervous - obviously.

"How did Huge Gigantacus take our colonies without us knowing?" White Diamond inquired, feeling suspicious that he managed to take their colonies from there without them knowing. 

"Well, during Era-1, believe it or not, HG was scared of the Diamond Authority." Rose answered.

"He was?" Blue said, tilting her head in comfusion. "How come he is brave enough to attack us now?"

"Because when Era-2 started, and when Homeworld and the Crystal Gems were playing cops and robbers, HG took this as a opportunity to strike, except I stopped him. Then, when I was on Earth with Steven, going back in time, and when Lord Dominator destroyed my castle in space, I was set back by a lot. As well as since Homeworld was suffering during Charlotte's attack, and then when Homeworld was trying to recover, HG took the moment to strike. He's been waiting years for this." Rose explains in one breath. "I'm sorry for letting him do this."

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