Chapter 12: Bad Memories

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So, an update about Rose, her vocabulary is going to take a turn for something new. It's something that I should've done before I even introduced her to the series, and that's making her more British. The only way you would know she's British is if the text refers to her as the British flower.

What this little update means is that Rose will be saying British slang and her words are also different, note: this is Rose that I'm speaking of, Nec'Rose won't being speaking British. The greatest example of this is color and colour. In America, we say and spell color, and in the UK, they say and spell colour. 

So, if you see a word that you might think is misspelled when Rose is talking, it's most probably not misspelled, because that's how the UK spells it. 

And here's a list of words you're going to hear Rose say a lot, because of British slang/saying:

Mate - UK's way of saying friend/buddy.
Bloke - man/fellow.
Love - Sweetheart/lover.
Bloody - UK's way of saying very.
Quid - UK's slang for pounds.
Oi - rough/angry way of saying "hey!"
Pound(s) - UK currency (their money, they don't use the imperial system).
"Oh my days!" - UK's alternative way of saying "Oh my gosh."

Here's a word Rose was going to say a lot, but was scrapped due to it's definition in British. Twat means a stupid, useless and contemptible in English, but in British, it's a vulgar slang for vagina. In other words, twat means pussy in the UK and Rose isn't one to use dirty words (Nec'Rose would though). 

And there's probably more words and such that Rose will say that I haven't mentioned, if you don't know a word she said, then you can Google it. If any of you are in the UK, please let me know if there's any inaccuracies, I want to get it right. 

If you read AU2, this chapter will be a trip to nostalgia. By the way, during today (11/7/2022) Moonlight's debut was 2 years, 1 month, 2 weeks and 1 day (9/24/2022). But her 2nd birthday was a month and fifteen, making her two.  

3rd Person P.O.V.

Steven walked downstairs. "Hi guys. You wanted to speak to me?" 

"Yes, we did." Yellow Diamond nodded.

Phoebe had her arms crossed and a displeased look was on her face. Steven immediately got scared when looking at Phoebe's displease body language. White Diamond gave him an endearing grin, which reassured him enough to continue his journey down the stairs all the way.

"Am I in trouble?" Steven asked timidly.

"No, dear." White Diamond encouraged him to sit down on the couch. "We just want to talk to you."

Steven obeyed White Diamond. However, if Phoebe told him no, he would have to listen to her. It's important for everyone to know that Steven is trained to always listen to any commands or instructions Phoebe gives him, regardless of whether he thinks its right or wrong. 

if this kind of information got into the wrong hands, Steven would be in for a bad time.

"What's going on?" Steven asked, with curiosity like a child, despite being in his twenties. 

"Steven..." White Diamond was going to be the one to tell him, she knows what can and what will break him, she knows what words to choose. "What do you remember from last year?" 

Steven flinched. "La-Last year...?" 

Steven's memories flooded in like water from a dam being released after a huge crack gave in. He remembers... a lot of nightmares... 

He remembers feeling his spine breaking in half by Moonlight... how painful it felt for the few seconds of consciousness he had left...

He remembers Moonlight mocking him...

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