Where Are You Looking When I'm Right Here?

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"Kazuha, Kazuha?" Waving his hand in Kazuha's face was he finally able to capture the other's attention. Scaramouche scoffed, crossing his arms in discontent.

"Where were you looking at?" Scaramouche inquired, "I'm right here, dumbass." he rolled his eyes, sliding a finger under Kazuha's chin; bringing his head towards Scaramouche. Scaramouche wasn't usually the one to act flirtatious, and when he is, it means that he requires immediate attention. 

Kazuha knows this well, so he complied. 

"Yes, love," Kazuha nuzzled against Scaramouche's nose, "You're right here. I was simply entranced by those claw machines over there, they have stuffed animals quite unique." he beamed, flashing Scaramouche a smile he knew Scaramouche always had a soft spot for. 

Scaramouche whipped his head around, curious of what type of stuffed animals would be so interesting to keep Kazuha's vision glued to them for more than five minutes. While he was sparing the energy to discuss what place they could go for dinner, what type of Godly stuffed animals would be appealing enough to keep Kazuha's attention more than Scaramouche could? 

A row of claw machines slowly flowed into his vision, shining with blissful LED lights; urging you to give your luck a go despite yourself knowing it is simply a scam. 

There were stuffed animals, phones, shop offers, possibly anything you could dream of. But none of them looked charming enough to intrigue Scaramouche like how it had captivated Kazuha. They were just, generic, boring, daily items you can probably get at a local store for less than what you would get for using the claw machine. 

First, confusion hit him. He knew that Kazuha held an interest in claw machines, but knowing him, Scaramouche knew that Kazuha wouldn't spare another second looking at claw machines that weren't worth his time. 

Then, a man roamed into his field of vision.

He bore long, braided golden locks that shined under the light in the mall; like golden silk, flowing as he paced back and forth, talking to someone on his phone; smiling. He wore a long, light brown coat with dark brown buttons that looked like miniature versions of elephant teeth. 

Stuffed animals might not enchant Kazuha, but that man definitely could. 

Barely visible, but a part of bare skin could be seen under his black crop-top. Like an invitation, it made people wonder what could be hiding under all that garment. 

Scaramouche furrowed his eyebrows at the man, so that's what Kazuha was staring at. he thought, he felt like he had been punched in the gut. Bile traveled up his esophagus, his hatred for the blond growing the longer he looked at him. 

He wanted to wrap him in hundreds of layers of blankets, making sure Kazuha never sees any part of him. He wanted to rip that luscious hair right off of him, then make sure he never grows any hair. He wanted to punch his perfect face until you can't decipher if he's someone who requires immediate medical attention or a ghastly alien. 

Clenching his fist, he prayed the man would go away. He prayed that he would leave him and Kazuha alone. 

Scaramouche turned his head around, smiling sweetly, "Those stuffed animals do look cute, but are you sure you'd rather get one of those than eat with me?" he cocked his head, pouting seductively. He knew Kazuha would always listen to him if he ever did that, it was just a matter of time before Kazuha stutters in embarrassment, agreeing to what Scaramouche had to say.

Kazuha blushed furiously, his eyes widening. Mouth gaping but he can't make out a single syllable, he was as if someone pressed the mute button on his vocal cords. 

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