By the Streets

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He revisited the unnotable streetside ramen place he often frequented. They weren't some fancy indoor restaurant, but they had every bit of childhood flavor to him. The first time his father had taken him to eat his first bowl of ramen was this place, and he sought to eat his last bowl of ramen here. This place had carried immeasurable moments of his childhood, and even some of his most memorable ones. 

Only by the tapping of his footsteps, the ramen place owner recognized him. He doesn't cook often, so eating outside was one of his usual routines. It saves time, and it doesn't cost a lot for a lazy college student like him. 

The owner of the ramen place greeted him with a bright smile, and Kazuha smiled back, waving at her. "The usual today?" She asked, chuckling. She'd already grabbed a bowl, pouring the seasoning inside. 

Kazuha laughed, "You know it!" and snatched a tall seat in front of the table. His favorite will always be the Tonkotsu ramen, a classic for anyone; the prime choice if it was your first time with ramen. 

Coincidentally, it was also the first bowl of ramen he had with his dad. His dad loved Tonkotsu ramen, he'd often catch him rambling on about Tonkotsu ramen whenever their conversation traced to ramen. He'd describe the flavors, so much that Kazuha could almost recite what he had to say about Tonkotsu ramen without pausing to even think. 

Humming, he propped his legs up onto the wooden part of the stool; like he always did. Everything was just like the last time he visited this place. Same posters, same ambiance, same smell. Except for one thing. 

Someone else was sitting beside him, his vision glued onto the old menu that'd be better off replaced with a newer one. How long has he been here? He'd ask, since the man clearly hadn't ordered his share of ramen yet. 

Kazuha has had a taste of every bowl of ramen on the menu, so he'd be an expert at a recommendation. There weren't a lot of choices on the menu, anyway, so it'd be pretty easy to pick the best out of all the types. 

"Your ramen is ready, Kaz!" A familiar voice called out his order, serving his ramen with a brilliant smile. 

She never grows old, does she? Despite the creases and wrinkles that are more visible, she was still the same granny that had tended to his ramen addiction whenever she could. Despite all these years, her ramen was still the same—a sweet hint of mint with a blissful taste that reminded him always of the ocean he and his father had frequented. The ramen was his time capsule, the ramen was his escape from reality to relive the days when everything was so carefree—when everything didn't matter. 

Each time he ordered the same bowl of ramen, the memories wash over him like a kaleidoscope. Every time he opted for a fine bowl of Tonkotsu ramen, he is grateful for the fact this unnoticeable ramen place hadn't shut down. It held too much of his memories—too many memories to let go. 

"Hey," A voice disturbed his peaceful daydream, "what ramen is that?" he asked, half-lidded. His lips curved down naturally into a frown, his eyes were naturally lifted up; giving the impression of a bad mood. 

Kazuha smiled, eager to share his passion with the other, "It's Tonkotsu ramen! One of my absolute favorites, really." he exclaimed, wearing a bright smile. 

The other examined him for a while, before sailing his head back to the woman, "May I please have a bowl of Tonkotsu ramen?" 

The woman smiled at him, "Sure thing, son." before grabbing another bowl, putting in the same seasonings as she did for Kazuha. 

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