Wind Flower

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Everyone goes through heartbreaks, big or small. 

Rain pouring, his heart soaked in the depth of them. 

Perhaps it was for the better? He doesn't know. He didn't know when he started crying, they flowed out like a stream of water; unstoppable. Sitting in front of a small ramen restaurant, he propped his legs, head buried in them. 

Unable to bear reality? Possibly. The more he shut himself away from the real world, the more he is reminded of him; the love of his life. Why did they have to separate? Why couldn't he just move on from the past? Why can't they get the happily after they deserved? 

Rain dripped onto his shoes, dampening their color. He retracted, yet it was nowhere near enough to keep them dry. They dabbled the tip of his sneakers, turning them from white; to a greyish hue. He looked up to the sky, there was nothing. Nothing except for specs of rain falling from the sky. 

It was dark, darker than any night he had passed alone. People were rushingly passing by, reassuring him he wasn't alone in the world, but he can't help but feel drained empty. It drowned him. 

A small, insignificant petal fell in front of him, then many more. They were red; fading into a hue of light pink. He didn't know of the type of flowers. Was it raining flowers, now? Gosh, reality took such a toll on him. Was he dreaming? Was their breakup just a dream? He sure hoped so. Wishing, he would tell himself over and over to wake up from this terrible nightmare, but he seemed to be stuck. His body wasn't rousing into consciousness, there was just endless regret and somber. 

A shadow loomed before him, he slowly lifted his head up to investigate the matter when he really didn't want to. 

A girl stood tall before him, handing him a bouquet of flowers with one arm. He couldn't capture her features well, but her make-up was obviously smudged. The corners of her eyes spread out with dark colors, her left hand dabbled with dark ink. 

"Take it, I don't want more horrible memories of him." She hic, her voice husked from presumably crying. He took the flowers, eyes fixed on them. 

Before he could show his gratitude, she was nowhere to be found. He looked around for signs of her, it derived nothing. Eventually, he gave up; and accepted it as a token of gratitude he could never express. 

The flowers blossomed, more extravagant than any other. The red tips of the petals flourished, Having the time of their lives. The gradient of light pink spread out, integrating naturally with the outstanding red tips. They carried their wishful blessings. 

Are we the only two who are hurt? 

Oh, are we the only two who are saying goodbye?

Wouldn't days be more beautiful if we are together? 

Days turn depressing, nights turn somber. Without their bickering, all the colors slowly faded away. 

He could see color, but they weren't colors anymore. He could hear blissful music, but they weren't music anymore. He could feel the petals in his hands, but they weren't petals anymore. Everything around him seemed foreign, casting him away like an outlander. This place use to be so familiar, now it roared with strangeness. 

These flowers are pretty, but they no longer spoke to Kazuha.


He roamed the empty streets of Hong Kong, his head buried low. 

People walked past him, laughing. Oh, how he envied their positivity; to laugh when they wished to, to have loved ones sharing blissful memories together. He used to be like them, carefree. 

Your sweet words still linger,

Why am I only regretting now?

Perhaps this is what he deserved—he deserved to be alone, to be distraught. Why couldn't he just get over his ex? Why couldn't he stop lashing out at him whenever their topic returned to his ex? His ex is his ex, after all. She is just a figure of the past, but his memories of her still lingered. 

He used to think he and his fate were intertwined, inseparable. Like they were one. Like two items that were sold together no matter the circumstance. He used to be so hopeful of tomorrow, now, all of those seemed to fade away each step he took; straying away from him. 

A lonely flower sat by the streets, motionless. 

He scrambled to pick it up, his life was better off be wasted, anyway. 

It was red at the tip, a gradient of light pink slowly flowing out. It looked beautiful, like a shrine maiden's uniform. Like a sunset by the sea. Like... him. Like his scarlet eyes, his red streak of hair; slowly fading into platinum once again. He keeps reminding him to dye it again, but he refused to do so until it had completely lost trace. 

Who's going to keep bickering to him about dying his hair, now? Who's going to trace down the streak of hair lovingly, now? It bounced around his head, but he knew the answer was not going to be him. 

He caressed the flower, and took it under his wings. 

The only thing left that would remind him of his presence—the last trace of him. 

It was raining, but he didn't care. Nothing was worth caring about anymore. 

These flowers bloom,

Will my love for you bloom, once again?

Like the wind that blows,

You'd be better off without me.

Raindrops dripped onto his face, flowing down against the curvature of his face. They weren't cold, rather, they were warm. Warming him from inside, but the more they tried, the more it hurts. 

It wasn't rain, it was his tears. 


The ramen restaurant owner noticed Kazuha, sitting on the staircase outside their establishment. He was looking rather gloomy.

"Hey!" Someone called Kazuha from behind him, surprising him. "Do you want to come inside? We could serve you a nice bowl of free ramen!" The old woman smiled at him, inviting him inside. 

The warm air brushed his cheeks, the smell of ramen tickled his nose, the woman's smile enlightened something within him.

Maybe... he wasn't so alone in this world.


He ventured towards a McDonald's drive-thru, despite not driving a car in the first place. The man in the drive-thru looked dumbfounded, but gladly asked for his order anyway. 

A simple cone ice cream was what he wanted, he said. But the drive-thru employee was too amused by his method of ordering, and gave away the cone of vanilla ice cream to him for free—claiming it to be "free of charge" 

He smiled, and licked the ice cream. 

Euphoric taste of sweet vanilla burst on his tongue, 

maybe, the world wasn't so cruel.


1127 words

Inspired by the song "Wind Flower" -MAMAMOO

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