Chapter 2: Waking Up...Hurt...

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The Next Morning...

Sonic woke up and saw a rock come up, it was Knuckles, protecting Tails. Then, he saw Amy badly injured.

"Amy!" Sonic shouted in fear for his pink friend, he then helped her sit up and softly felt her bleeding cheek, he said to himself, "What did that sicko do to you?!"

"Uh..." Amy groaned in exhaustion, "...S-sonic?"

"Shhh...take it easy, do you feel? I'm serious right now."

"M-my m-much..."

"O-okay...Amy...I need you to stay awake right now...can you do that?"

"Y-yes...Sonic...ah...m-my back..."

Tails called the ambulance as Sonic went to see what was hurting Amy's back, he then saw that there was a huge slash on her, he recognized it, it must have came from Infinite the Jackal.  Dang it, Infinite!  He thought in anger, What did you do to her?! 

Knuckles and Tails aren't really the medical substitute types, and he didn't want to do it, but he had to before Amy goes through more trouble.  He had to stick his left finger inside her back to see how deep this cut really was.  As his finger entered, the poor pink hedgehog began to quiver due to the feeling of pain.

"Ahhh!" she cried, "S-sonic!  Y-y-you're hurting me!"

"I know..." said Sonic, digging in deeper, "...I'm so sorry."


Amy was trying to get away, but Sonic wrapped her waist with his right arm, he was far more stronger than her, even if she wasn't hurt at all, she'd still not have a chance to get away any.  Amy's cries were breaking Sonic's heart. 

He then felt something, it felt sharp, he then grabbed it firmly, it didn't feel like a bone, it felt more like metal.  Amy was then trying to pull on Sonic's quills.

"Okay, Tails, Knuckles, come over here!" Sonic called, sweating, and looked at his crying pink friend, "Okay, now, Amy?"

"Y-yes, Sonic?" Amy replied, still trying to move away, but then she felt Knuckles grab her arms, preventing her from grabbing Sonic's quills, she then tried to kick Knuckles, but then Tails grabbed those too, "Wh-what's going o-on?!"

"I feel something in your don't move...or else, this will cause more problems.  Do you trust us?"

"Y-yes...I-I do, Sonic..."

"Alright...get ready...3...2...1...NOW!"

Sonic then ripped the metal shard out of Amy's back without cutting anything else.  Amy then screamed in pain, Sonic went back into her back to find anymore shards in her, thankfully, there weren't.  He then saw the shard, he realized it was part of Infinite's metal claws.

"Dang..." said Sonic, "...Infinite really knew how to hurt people..."

"Yeah," said Knuckles, "I know."

Then the ambulance arrived.  Sonic then loaded Amy on a stretcher and sobbed in fear, wondering if his friend would be able to hold on without him.

"Will she be okay?" Sonic asked himself.

"I'm sure she will," said Knuckles, but he looked at Sonic, noticing that his face didn't look normal, "but what about you?  You look...pale..."

"Me?  Pfft, yeah, yeah, sure, sure...I am...I'm just-ack!"

Moments Before The Explosion...

"Amy!" the Blue Blur shouted, "switch with Knuckles and have him fight Zovak."

"On it, Sonikku!" the pink hedgehog replied.

Why in the world does she always have to call me by my Japanese name? Sonic thought to himself. But then he snapped back into reality when he felt a metallic part of Shadow's shoe kick his chest.

He recovered and got on top of one of the now-rotating mechanical parts of the machine. Sonic then felt Shadow punch him in the face, he then bend his back backwards because a incoming piece of the machine. He was quick enough to dodge it for sure

"Ugh..." Sonic groaned in annoyance, "...I am so tired."

Sonic then timed his move and headbutted Shadow, nearly knocking him off the circular piece of machinery.

"I know what you're trying to do Shadow!" he said to his faker, "And it won't work! If you do this, you'll mess up your 'other's' future!"

"Shut up!" Shadow screamed.


Sonic looked at his left hand and noticed that he had just coughed up blood.

"O-oh my..." said Sonic, then collapsed into Knuckles' arms, "...ughhh..."

"Medics!" Knuckles shouted just before the truck even moved, "Medics!  Over here!  Sonic's hurt!  We need to help him!"


Thanks for Reading!

Oh, Sonic, please be careful!

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