Chapter 1: Chaos Collision!

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(Minecraft Songs of War Shadow Over Mt. Velgrin Plays)

It was dark, cold, and wet. It rained on a dark and stormy night. Tails was running. His legs felt weak, his arms were sore, he was running for so long, he forgot what he was running from. He then heard bushes rattling behind him.

He turned around to see that a skunk had followed him, he then remembered that he was camping while Sonic and others were ahead to find the secret base of Dr. Eggman's secret project.

The Blue Blur told his little brother to take the day off, since he hadn't been sleeping very well lately. He eventually got lost and heard noises from behind him and now here we are.

"Oh, hehe..." Tails giggled, "...didn't see you there, little fella."

Tails then looked and saw a tunnel, he decided to explore it. He then saw there was a control room. He was wondering what was going on.

He then looked through the foggy window, and saw a big hand coming for him, he then dodged and saw Zovak, he was apparently punched through that window, Tails stayed hidden. Zovak leaped out of the window and disappeared around a corner.

The next thing that Tails saw was Sonic flying backwards, hitting a big cargo box with his back.

"Gah!" he grunted, "Zovak, I can't allow you to open a portal to another reality!"

Zovak then grabbed Sonic and jumped through a circular hole in a wall. They were in some sort of ginormous room with a big machine in it. There were two big circular mechanical parts that looked like they could summon beams. Sonic then looked to his right and saw his arch-nemesis in a box-like office

"Well, well, well..." Eggman laughed, "...nice of you to join us Sonic, in my Chaos Collision machine."

"Well, well, well..." Sonic mocked, "...nice of you to join the I'm-kicking-your-butt-into-next-Tuesday!"

"Ha-never heard that one before."

Tails then jumped in to join his big brother. The Blue Blur was shocked to see his little brother.

"Tails?!" he asked in confusion, "What are you doing here?!"

"Bumped into here." Tails replied.

"Oh...alright...Amy, Knuckles, come in, me...and Tails have found the missing project! Come to my position!"

"On our way!" Knuckles and Amy shouted on their comms.

"Ready little buddy?"

"Yeah, Sonic!" replied Tails.

They then began their fight with Zovak. Sonic used spin dash and knocked Zovak off the huge machine. Then a couple more enemies showed up, Shadow, Metal Sonic, Chaos, and Infinite.  Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, and Amy all gathered together. 

It was five against four.  Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, and Amy vs Metal Sonic, Shadow, Chaos, Infinite, and Zovak

"Knuckles," said Sonic, You take Infinite, Amy, Zovak, Tails, Chaos, I'll take Faker and Tin Can!"

"You sure, Sonic?" ask Tails.

"It'll be you vs two." said Knuckles.

"Yeah," Sonic replied, "I'm sure.  Now go!"

"Yes, Sonic!" shouted Team Sonic and Amy.

Tails used his twin tails to swipe Chaos down to the ground, but the water beast then punched him and knocked him off the machine.  Amy smashed Zovak in the chest, causing him to grab his chest.  Knuckles was able to land some punches on Infinite.  But the echidna was knocked down, off the machine, joining Tails as he fought with Chaos.

"Switch?" Knuckles asked.

"Sure!" replied Tails.

Knuckles grabbed Tails by the legs and swung him round.  Tails rolled up into a ball and smashed right into Infinite and kicked him in the chest, lunching himself away from the floating jackal. 

Knuckles then used a spin dash and went right through Chaos, hitting the floating brain, knocking the water beast out.  Amy was then punched into a wall, cracking it.  She tried to move, but was stopped by Zovak, pinning her against it, choking her.

"Gah!" she grunted in the pain, "L-let me go!"

"Never..." said Zovak, "...because you won't live to-gah!"

Zovak was kicked by Sonic, who was being chased by Metal Sonic and Shadow.

"Amy!" the Blue Blur shouted, "switch with Knuckles and have him fight Zovak."

"On it, Sonikku!" the pink hedgehog replied.

Why in the world does she always have to call me by my Japanese name? Sonic thought to himself. But then he snapped back into reality when he felt a metallic part of Shadow's shoe kick his chest.

He recovered and got on top of one of the now-rotating mechanical parts of the machine. Sonic then felt Shadow punch him in the face, he then bend his back backwards because a incoming piece of the machine. He was quick enough to dodge it for sure

"Ugh..." Sonic groaned in annoyance, "...I am so tired."

Sonic then timed his move and headbutted Shadow, nearly knocking him off the circular piece of machinery.

"I know what you're trying to do Shadow!" he said to his faker, "And it won't work! If you do this, you'll mess up your 'other's' future!"

"Shut up!" Shadow screamed.

Then, two things happened.  1: Eggman turned on the machine, summoning beams of light.  2: Infinite grabbed Sonic by the neck, and put Sonic into the beam.  Instead of killing him, Sonic only saw weird images, of himself.

"You idiot!" shouted Eggman, Get Sonic off that!"

Sonic then threw a bomb exactly where he was told to throw it.  Then, an explosion happened, then all of a sudden.  And everything went black.


Thanks for Reading!

Not bad for a first chapter for a multiverse collision story, eh?

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