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This is gonna be a bit of a shitty chapter since it is being written on my phone, my iPad is fine I just don't have it by me right now, so there may be some numbers where there should be letters because my numbers and letters are on the same page thingy.

⚠️Trigger Warning d£@th, self gaslighting, repetitive thoughts⚠️

2 weeks later

Y/n pov
3:07 a.m.

I was laying on my bed staring at the ceiling because fun fun nightmares are very shitty, and I didn't want to bother Mark because he had a big lore stream today and he was mentally drained so he needed to sleep.
Eventually I grabbed my headphones and connected them to my phone, putting on my can't sleep playlist.

A few minutes later I heard a faint knock on my door, "come in" the door opened a bit slowly to not make much noise. I sat up and seen a tired Mark wrapped in a blanket slowly walking over to my bed. "Can I sit down?" "Sure" he sat down almost collapsing onto my bed. "Is everything ok?" "Yeah, I just can't sleep for some reason." "That happens to me a lot, wanna stay in here tonight?" He nodded his head while letting out a yawn. I motioned for him to come over by me, the sooner I knew it he was laying on top of me, I didn't mind tho. I'm gonna be honest I liked it, but I wasn't gonna let him know that as I don't wanna seem weird. I've sort of gained feelings for him throughout the time I've been friends with him. I've been telling myself to deny it tho because I don't want to ruin the friendship. Mark was laying on my lap for a solid 5 minutes before he passed out, I just kept thinking about what I was gonna do about my whole crush situation tho because I don't want to ruin our friendship, but I also dont keep the emotions hidden as it'll just eat away at me till I can't hold it anymore. I was about to doze off when my phone got a notification, I looked at my phone and seen that it was Jasper.

I was wondering what they were doing up but remembered that they are 2 hours ahead of us now, and they usually are up at 5 a.m to get ready for school. I look at the notification and it reads, "Hello bitch how have you been, I know we haven't talked that much, and you're in a different state right now but I was wondering if we could play minecraft again sometime soon,hope you're doing well, love ya" I read the message and I felt a tear sloy roll down my face, I had gotten caught up with everything going on that I barely talked to Jasper anymore. I quickly responded back saying, "Hey I'm so sorry we haven't talked in forever, it's currently 3 a.m. for me but later when you get done with school we can totally play minecraft! Talk to you soon<3" I hit send and waited for a response but it wasn't even opened. I know it's because they were getting ready for school. Finally I turned my phone off, set it on my night stand and went to sleep.

~~~time skip~~~
8:49 a.m.
Mark pov

I woke up to the feeling of someone playing with my hair, sure enough it was Y/n, tho I didn't mind it felt nice. Soon he realized that I woke up and started to apologize for waking me up, I told them that it was ok and that he didn't need to apologize. I was still quite tired so and my damn brain asked, "How do you know you like someone?" It took me a few seconds to realize what I said, but when it processed I was as red as Tommy's shirt. "Oh- ummm, I guess you know you like someone if they flood your brain constantly, and if you wake up in the morning and think about them, or if someone says that special someone, you immediately think of the person, but I'm not quite sure. I've never really thought about it." "Thanks, also sorry I asked that I'm very tired right now and I'm not processing what I'm saying so I'm just going to do this." I rolled over on my stomach and while laying on my stomach I hugged Y/n tight just enjoying their presence. "I'm ok with this" I heard the smile as he said that. Slowly we both started to doze off peacefully.

All Because Of A Raid(Ranboo x ftm reader)Where stories live. Discover now