XXVII. The happily ever after

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On Tatooine we will find a new ship to replace the Spark, who will rest on the backyard of my mom's house forever, along with the good memories it contains.
I trusted Din to do it for me, after all we're now a clan. I have something else to do.

"Hello" I enter a shop
A man with bright green dreadlocks and more piercings that you can count appears from behind a desk
"Well, look who it is! Hi Kaira, how's it goin'?"
"Not bad at all, Ric" I hug the man, an old childhood friend
"So what brings you here?"
I take off my cloak, revealing the tattoo on my shoulder "You did this nicely, and I think you'll do it again"
He chuckles, pulling out his machinery "They don't call me an artist by mistake"

Not long after I exit the tattoo shop, leaving my friend some credits for his work. I keep the cloak buttoned up to hide the new tattoos I got. It's going to be a big surprise for my two boys.

I walk to the ship dealer, hoping Din did his job. 
And there he stands at his friend Peli Motto's bay with Grogu, next to a almost perfect replica of the Razor Crest. My mouth opens
"Oh stars! How did you pull this off?!"
"With an insane amount of luck"
The woman working on a ship shouts a 'Hey!'
He sighs"And a friend that's more than good at her job"
Peli Motto nods, satisfied by his words.

I feel him smiling as he looks at the ship.
He offers me his hand and I lace my fingers with his, and he leads me inside, under the shocked expression of the mechanic at the sight of our hands.

After a little tour of the ship we sit in the cockpit, as Din goes on and on about how similar to his old ship it is. I stare at him smiling.
"It's so nice to see you like this. Free, happy,..."
He squeezes my knee before reaching into his pocket taking out the steel ball Grogu likes. He reaches for a lever and sets the beskar ball on top of it.
"Now it's really ours"

"Can I show you something?"
"Yes, Kai"
I take off part of the cloak to reveal my side, where the first tattoo is. It's a sentence in my native language, which he tries to read out but fails
I chuckle "It says 'sarò sempre fiero di te' "
"What does it mean?"
"I'll always be proud of you... It's the last sentence my father Obi-Wan wrote in his letter to me"
He hugs me "It's beautiful. I'm happy you get to have part of him with you forever"

There still one tattoo to show him, but I reveal it in a different way.
"Anyway, where shall we go for our first flight?" I say going to the back to take off the cloak and leave it on an empty seat. The cool of the ship gives goosebumps on the other tattoo, this one on my other shoulder.
I get back to the copilot seat, wondering if Din will notice it right away.

"Why don't we pay a visit to Cara and Greef" he looks at me "Or Grogu's friends on Sorgan" he looks again. He doesn't notice.


I lean a bit towards him, getting under the light.
Then I feel his eyes widening
"Kaira Kenobi!"
"Din Djarin?"
"What is that?"
He points at my shoulder.
I smirk at him.

On my skin stands out the black outline of a drawing. The edges and details are perfect.
"You like it?"
He takes off a glove and traces the lines that compose the animal with his fingertips.
He softly mumbles "Mudhorn"
"It's our clan" I whisper next to where his ears are

He stands up
"What are you doing?"I ask him confused
He pushes a button and the light turns off
I hear a hiss

And then I feel his warm breath on my skin before his lips touch mine. I close my eyes and melt into the kiss, bringing a hand on his jaw as he cups my face.
"I love you so much" he whispers on my mouth
I erase the space beween our faces again, smiling. And we stay like that until we get interrupted by Grogu
"Dad, mama! Soup!"
We part and laugh, eyes still closed and foreheads touching


It's been a month since we got the Crest 2.0, and our lives have been amazing. After putting the kid to sleep I climb the stairs to the cockpit to get to Din.
The first thing my eyes see are brown messy curls, the back of the Mandalorians head. I gasp and put my hands on my eyes before he turns
"Sorry! Sorry! Should have been careful"
"Hey, don't worry... I actually have been meaning to do that for a while" his voice is even more soothing without the effect of the modulator.
I feel his  bare hands on my wrists, pulling them down. My eyes are still closed
"Kai, it's okay"
"Are you sure?"
"Never been more sure"

I slowly open them, and find a pair of warm brown eyes on mine. I stare into them, sliding my hands around Din's neck as he puts his on my waist.
Then I look at his features.
His jaw is covered in stubble, with the moustache hair slightly longer. I let my finger slip into his hair, soft and messy. My fingers go down his face, my thumbs following the lines of his eyebrows, nose and finally lips.
I already saw his face the time I first encountered him and Grogu, but it was so long ago that I didn't even remember it. And this allows me to see it for the first time once more
"You... you really are... carino... mesh'la... handsome"

He smiles, and I can say this: feeling a smile is a hundred time less amazing than seeing an actual one. If I liked his smile when he hid it under the helmet, now I love it even more. He told me he loved me a month ago, but I wasn't ready to say it back. But I am now.
I put my hand on his chest, feeling the cool beskar under my palm.
"Din, I love you... so much"
"I love you too, more than you could ever imagine"
Our lips touch once more as we smile to each other

-----Two years later-----

Sometimes I look back at the day Luke told me about the youngling of Yoda's species that we needed to train. Little did I know that this little green kid would lead me to meeting the love of my life.

And here I am, with my son in front of me, coloring flowers on his father's cheeks. I feel on my finger the smoothness of the metal of the ring Din gave me a year ago, to symbolize our union. As I watch the matching one on the Mandalorian's ringfinger I put my hand on my belly, where Grogu's little brother will stay not for much longer. 

As I smile at the thought of becoming a mother once again, my husband makes eye contact with me. He is wearing just pants and a t-shirt that allows to see his arm and torso muscles. His armor is on a corner, right now he doesn't need it. We grin at each other as Grogu reminds him to stay still. I see Din mouthing to me "Ti amo", causing me to reply in the same way "Ni kar'tayl gar darasuum"

If someone ten years ago told me that one day I would marry a Mandalorian and start a family with him I would have laughed at their face... But my life is amazing, and I can't even think of it being different. And it is all thanks to Din Djarin. That man in Beskar...

And... Cut! We did it. This is the end for Din and Kaira story, with a great Peli Motto cameo!
When I started it I promised to myself that the last words were going to be the title, and I'm happy that I kept that promise. I want to thank all of you for reading this story, I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I did writing. Now I can't wait to see what is gonna happen in "The Mandalorian" season 3, after what we saw in Boba Fett I know it will be great. I send you all a big hug, you're amazing!


P.S. I'll leve you here a picture of how I imagine Kai, with her Jedi cloak and tattooes (Mudhorn on her right shoulder, the stars on her left one, and Obi's words on her right side)

 I'll leve you here a picture of how I imagine Kai, with her Jedi cloak and tattooes (Mudhorn on her right shoulder, the stars on her left one, and Obi's words on her right side)

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That man in Beskar [The Mandalorian x OC]Where stories live. Discover now