XI. The Mistery

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*Kaira's point of view*

The last thing I remember about is listening to Din's voice talking to Grogu, then my eyes closed.

I open them to see a desert with two suns shining, I smile recognizing my planet, but then the smiles disappears. How did I get here?
I look around following the lines of the mountains on the background. I am alone, Grogu and the Mandalorian are nowhere to be found. I put a hand in my pocket to take out my ball, but I don't find it.
"What the...?"
The kid must have stolen it again.

"Kaira" a slightly croaky voice said, causing me to turn
"Who is it?"
"Kairaa!" the voice repeated, or more accurately chanted
"Where are you? Show yourself"
I look behind me, and I see no one, then I lower my gaze and I find a being that looks exactly like Grogu as an old man.
"Oh my stars, Grogu, how much have I been asleep?!"

"Calm down you must"
"What- I-"
"Grogu I am not, but know him I do"
I look to the being and I remember what my master Luke once said

"The only one I knew that looked like him was my master"
"Master Yoda?"
"That's the one"

"Master Yoda?"
"Got it you have, yes"
"Luke told me you died! How are you here?... How am I here?!"
"Dreaming you are. Talking through the force Jedi knights can"
"So like you can talk to me from afterlife?"
"Many of us can"
"Right, I remember now Master Luke saying he once heard advice from a dead Jedi"
Yoda looks at me.

"So, Master. To what do I owe the pleasure?"
"To guide you I want. Good job with the little one you are doing, yes"
"Thank you"
"But warn you I must. Attachment dangerous is"
"I am well aware of that thanks to Master Luke. It leads to fear and anger, and fear and anger lead to the dark side. I already taught that to Grogu"
"Really admire you he does, but remind him you must that strong feelings Jedi can't have"
"I will, Master"
"Protect him you can, with the help of trusted friends, yes. The outcome of this mission reveal I cannot, the Force with you may be"
"I'll do my best, I swear"

I suddenly feel something, I feel worry
"Master, I-"
"To go you need"
He takes out his cane and starts walking away.

He turns one last time
"A good Jedi you will be..." the image starts to fade away "... Like your father"

I open my eyes, again in the barn, still with that feeling. I look around and I see Grogu struggling to free himself from something. He cries.
I jump up and run to help him.
The genius kid got stuck under the basket of food that Omera brought.
"What did you do? Did you make it fall on you?" I say putting the basket back and picking Grogu out "You need to stop thinking with your stomach"

I swing to calm him down, he is a bit shaken and doesn't breathe properly.
"Hey hey hey, piccolo, it's all right. Nothing bad happened, just a little scare. Breathe normal, one two, Grogu. One step at the time"
"One two" he repeats.
"That's right. Good"

I sit on the chair, still holding him. I hear rapid steps, and the beskar armor comes into my view.
"Hello there" I say
"What happened? Is he okay? I heard noise"
"He's okay, just a little clumsy. He made the basket fall on him"
"God, I was away for a minute"
"It's not your fault"
"Yes it is, I shoul have-"
"Shut up, it's not"

The man comes forward and lays his hand on the back of the chair to steady as he kneels next to it. He moves his hand to hold Grogu's hand.
I smile at him. At both.

As I stay there the adrenaline ends and my thoughts fill my head again.
"A good Jedi you will be...Like your father"
My father was a Jedi? I knew Jedi couldn't form strong bonds, let alone having a kid. Did my mom lie to me all my life? Or did Yoda make a mistake? No that's not possible, he's the wisest Jedi ever.
There have been many great Jedi knights in the years, how could I know who he was?
Could there be a way to find out?
I try to gather all the information I have about my dad

Well, for starters, he's dead.

I don't have a image of him, just feelings, happy ones. A warm and nice touch, and a smile. I never knew a lot about his life, my mother is very reserved about it.
All she told me is that he traveled a lot, had a good job and was the most responsible, kind and trustworthy person in the galaxy. She never added other things, but it never bothered me, until now.

*Din's point of view*

Oh, kid, always food first, huh?

I stroke his cheek with one finger, smiling under the helmet. The helmet that always hides my feelings and helps me keep my professional look.
After my parents' death not even one soul got to know the real me. Well, maybe Grogu does a little bit.

Still smiling I look at Kaira, expecting to see her carefree and happy like everyday, instead I see her serious, staring at the ground.

"Kai,sonething wrong?"
She looks back at me.
"I'm sorry, I just had a dream, more like a vision. I think my father was a Jedi. I... I need to process this.

Now it's my turn to reassure her. I put my gloved hand on her arm
"If anything bothers you, I am here"
She nods at me smiling.
We stare at each other for a second before getting interrupted by Grogu cooing playfully.

"Oh I know what you want" Kaira says taking in her hand the red ball she always carry around.
I take out my beskar ball as well
"You sure, Kai?"
"Not fair, man!"

Grogu looks at both balls, hesitating, then takes my ball.
"Ookay" she says to me "Daddy wins this round. Game on, Djarin"
I chuckle and she smirks, the smirk she always has when she's having fun or when she's teasing me.
The smirk I like more and more every time I see it


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