XII. The Search For The Truth

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*Kaira's point of view*

I'm walking between the trees in the forest near the village. I left Din and Grogu alone to eat, I needed to clear my head. Luke always says that meditation is what keeps you sane when facing a difficult situation, and that's what I'm going to do.
I sit on a rock big enough for me to stay on it and I concentrate.

I try to erase my thoughts.
I imagine a void, and I find peace... For about two seconds.
The emptiness keeps getting covered by sounds and flashes of a lightsaber, and I'm sure it's not a random one. It's my father's, I feel it, but I can't figure out the color or the hilt. It would be so easy to identify him if I could see the weapon.
I also see a hand, his hand, gesturing like he was using mind tricks.
I have so many questions and nobody that can answer me.

Starting to get on edge I stand up an walk up and down in the space I had found. Breathe in, breath out. One two, one step at a time.

I take out my weapon, and start doing rotations to try to calm down. I then get carried away and sway it in the air, mimicking an attack. In a few seconds it becomes a training. I jump, duck and practice moves against a tree, not really hitting it to avoid its fall.

Suddenly I hear someone moving behind me, so I turn fast, with my lightsaber ready to defend or attack.

"No! It's me! I'm sorry"
I sigh
"Winta... Never approach someone like that"
"I'm really sorry"
"Don't worry, no one got hurt. What are you doing here?"
"I saw you coming here, and you didn't seem happy. I thought you were angry with someone and I was curious. Then I saw you sword, it's beautiful!"
I laugh
"Thank you, kiddo, actually it's called 'lightsaber', you know?"
"That's cool!"

"So, were you playing with Grogu?"
"No, I was bored. He's getting food from the man of metal and my mom is there with him talking"
I cant figure out Omera, is she just super-friendly or does she like the Mandalorian? I hope for her it's the first one, Din doesn't seem interested, she would only get her heart broken.

"Will you walk me back, Winta?" I smile at the girl.
She happily nods and starts walking before me.

"Mom!" the little girl runs into the barn "Have you ever seen a real light Saber? I did!"
I enter too chuckling at her words, to see Din sitting near the crib where Grogu is sleeping, and Omera in front of him.
As he sees me he gets up
"Did you do what you had to?"
"Yeah, still pretty confused though"
Omera looked at him as Winta asked her to buy a lightsaber 'just like Kaira'. She seemed bummed.

"I was thinking" Din tells me "I know a place where the Force is strong, maybe it will help you"
"Maybe, yes" I thank him smiling
"We could go in a few hours, then we come back here. It seems safe" he suggests
"Would you look at that! Thought you were a tough quiet guy, and know all concerned... Are you starting to go soft on me? Keep doing it, it's pleasing to my ego"
He scoffs as I smirk.

Omera steps in, I didn't even remember she was here with us
"You can leave the kid here if you want, for safety"
Din and I answer at the same time
"He's my Padawan, I can't"
"Where I go he goes"
She looks at both and nods.

Like Din said, after a few hours he gets ready to leave. As he gets Grogu I try calling my mother.

"Yes, mamma, it's me"
"Oh,you look well rested! You took a vacation? You eat, yes?"
"I'm never on vacation, and yes, Im eating"
"You look angry at me tesoro, why?"
"No 'mom', please call me mamma. You have to celebrate your family's culture"
"I don't even know half my family... Why didn't you tell me that dad was a Jedi"
"I what?"
"It's just... Oh mannaggia! The food is burning! I call you tomorrow, yes? Ciao tesoro!"

And that's the end. A stupid excuse. As if I didn't know that it wasn't lunch time. Of all people... I knew I could rely on her, but there she is, lying to me. Again.
I'm too frustrated to just wait for the boys outside,so I go help them. Maybe I will cool off.

Inside the barn I hear Grogu complaining.
"What is happening here?"
"Come on kid, stop it. We need to go" Din tried to pick him up but my Padawan use the force to push him away.
"Grogu, stop!" the Mandalorian repeats
I approach him to help
"Why are you behaving like this?!"
"Can I do something?" I ask him
"I'm busy here don't you see?!"

No one speaks to me like that. Wasn't my mother not enough? Now I have to deal with the Mandalorian too?

"Fine. Do it all alone. I'm done here" I start to storm off.
I get stopped by a hand closing on my wrist and pulling me back
"Sorry, Kai. I'm having a hard time with the kid... I shouldn't have-"
"Yes, you shouldn't have"
I try to get away, but he uses his other arm, causing me to bump into his chest. He keeps me still.
"Forgive me, I know you are going through a lot. I'm a bit on edge too and..."
He hesitates for a second, then wraps his arms around me and hugs me.
I widen my eyes.
"Is this a hug?"
"Yes, I never do it. This way you know I'm not lying"
I smile a bit and calm down instantly
"The mighty ruler of Mandalore being sweet with a Jedi?"
"Shut up Kai"
I chuckle before stepping away to face the Child.

"And you. You're better then this, Padawan! Behave like a gentleman. Now chop chop. We're going on a trip, go find BB-4"
Grogu walks away to do as I said, with Din looking at him then me puzzled.
"Told you. Woman's touch" I wink before walking outside, followed by him.

We reach my ship and take off.
The Mandalorian tells me and my droid the coordinates.
The destination is the familiar rocky land that I had already seen in Grogu's memories.
"Okay, the place is up there"
"Trust me, tin can, I know" I tease him starting to climb up
"Oh no, the memories"
"Glad you remember them"

The Mandalorian landed near the rock.
"Well. I guess this is it" he approached the rock "Does this look Jedi to you?"
He put the Child on top of it
"I guess you sit right here. Okay, here we go"
Grogu cooed
"This is the seeing stone. Are you seeing anything? Or are they supposed to see you?"
He scanned the bottom
"Maybe there's some kind of control or something"
The kid reached for a blue butterfly, causing Din to sigh
"Oh, come on, kid"

He sets Grogu on his back and follows me, as BB-4 guards the ship.

"It does look Jedi, by the way"
"I hate you"
I laugh as we reach the seeing stone.
"Okay I'm gonna try this. You stay here with your dad, all right ad'ika?" I say to Grogu
"Ad'ika? You actually remembered it?" Din asks me, surprised
"Yeah, it's important to him. Plus, knowing languages makes life easier"
"You do realize that knowing one word doesn't mean you know Mando'a?"
"Well why don't you teach me, Djarin"
"Game on Satri. Now get on the stone, so we can go back before someone locates us"

I sit on the stone in meditation pose as Din and Grogu look at me.
The symbols sculpted in the rock glow and a blue field appears around me. Right now no one could approach or interrupt me.


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