IV. Grogu

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This time I wake up by myself, and after I put my brown robe on I go check up on Grogu.

"Are you still asleep buddy?"
He doesn't answer, causing me to get closer to him.
There he is, still sleeping. His ears move along with his chest expanding to breathe, he even babbles something. I smile at his cuteness.
I take another step landing on a twig that snaps, waking him up with a tired coo. He did have a big day yesterday.
"I'm sorry, Grogu. In my defense it was time to start the day. But, hey, I brought you this"
I give him a cookie that he happily accepts.

"I promised to hear your story. Come with me, we'll go somewhere nice"
I walk towards a portion of land with many trees, that's where I go when I want some quiet time.
He waddles behind me.

We sit on some rocks, just like he did with the Mandalorian and the Jedi in one of his memories.
I stare patiently at him until he starts sharing his thoughts.

Everything was dark, the only thing that could be heard were shooting sounds, then then two voices and a fast beep.
The egg-shaped container opened, revealing Grogu.
"Wait" said the Mandalorian "They said 50 years old"
The second voice, that belongs to an IG droid started speaking "Species age differently. Perhaps it could live many centuries. Sadly, we'll never know"
The machine wanted to complete his job and kill the kid
"No. We'll bring it in alive"
"The commission was quite specific. The asset was to be terminated"
IG raised its blaster ready to shoot.


The droid fell on the ground with a hole in its head. The Mandalorian had saved the baby.


The Mandalorian entered in a cave just to be thrown out by something.
A Mudhorn appears from inside the cave.
The man aimed with his rifle, which didn't work due to the mud that entered in its chamber.
The animal charged him making him fly a few meters behind. Then it noticed the child watching across the field and started charging again, but the floating crib was moved right on time before getting hit.
The man tried to fight the beast several more times, but wasn't winning: his weapons did not work on the hard skin of the Mudhorn and his armor had lost its integrity.
Suddenly the animal started floating. The Mandalorian confused looked at it, then at the Child,who had his arm extended and eyes closed. This time the kid had saved the Mandalorian'life.


The kid was taken in a room with a man and some stormtroopers. The Mandalorian was a bounty hunter, and the kid his prey. Grogu was taken away to another room as the bounty hunter followed him with his sight.
After a few hours he returned with a new armor, he had understood that that was a mistake.
He managed to take down all the stormtroopers, but once outside he found himself surrounded by many others bounty hunters. Right when it seemed that he and Grogu didn't have any chances, a sound of a jetpack was heard. The enemies fell one after the other by the hands of a dozen of Mandalorians, come to help their brother.
One of them shouted to the Mandalorian "Get out of here! We'll hold them off!"
"You're going to have to relocate the covert"
"This is the Way"
"This is the Way"


In a village Grogu was playing with some kids while the Mandalorian was talking with a local, a woman.
"He's happy here"
"What about you?"
"Are you happy here?" she asked to a silent Mandalorian "We want you to stay. You and your boy could have a good life. He could be a child for a while. Wouldn't that be nice?"
Mando looked towards the child, who was surrounded by other kids, having fun, "It would" he answered "I don't belong here, but he does"
"I understand. I will look after him as one of my own"
A gunshot was heard in the village, the children started screaming and the Mandalorian turned fast "Go get the kids!"
The shot came from the woods, a bounty hunter was aiming at the Child. But he never fired. A woman with an arm tattoo had shot him first.
I recognize the woman, she was in Moff Gideon's ship.
The woman saved the kid, but that only meant one thing. He wasn't safe there

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