Aqua May X MaleReader X Magma May!!

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A/n: Yes there will be Two Mays today and to make things easier to understand between the two Twins they will be Known as May and Mayday, Just to make it Simpler! Enjoy!

???1: Hey he's Mine!

???2: You wish! He's Mine! Tell her Honey!

???1: Now Tell her You're mine!

Y/n: How did this happen?

You were in A Middle of A Fight between two Identical Twins, wondering how the Hell did this even happen! Well for that You had to go back to before you even Became Champion, which was Surprisingly not too Long Ago!

Flashback To Not too Long Ago!

You were walking through the Hoenn Region trying to Collect all of the Badges so you can become the next Champion of the Hoenn region, and you Wore A Black Tanktop, A Green Jacket, Green Pants, and even Black Gloves, along with some Goggled on your head!

You were Visiting the Slateport Oceanic Museum Hoping to get some Information about A Problem you have had been having when you discovered that the Places was being Raided by A Bunch of Members of A New Team known as Team Aqua, and since they all Just had Poochyeana's, and Zubats it was easy to beat them all with your over-leveled team!

You Grabbed one Grunt by his Collar and began lifting him up to interrogate Him!





???1: Shut Up You Worm, If we want to fight then He shall?

Grunt: Y-Yes Ma'am!

Y/n: And Who are you-?

May: Hello I am May and I am the Leader of Team Aqua. Now tell Me why the Hell are you doing here?

 Now tell Me why the Hell are you doing here?

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Y/n: ...

May: Hello?

Y/n: ...

May: Hello Earth to Dumbass?


May: Hey Earth to Dumbass, are we gonna do A Pokemon Battle or Not?

Y/n: Huh? Oh Yeah! Sure! You're very pretty- I Mean nothing! Let's do it!

May: (Thoughts) Well I sure gotta admit he's very cute. Might recruit him when I win (Out of Thoughts) Go Swampert and Sharpedo

Y/n: Go Sceptile Beautifly!

Male Reader X Female One-shots (Reboot)Where stories live. Discover now