A Brief Interlude: Hans and Wilt

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TW: Love-starved Wilt

Hans first realized he might be in love with two people about a month or two after he had started dating Edric. The three of them were watching a movie at Edric and Wilt's house, which Hans had slowly come to spend more time in then at his own. He liked the feeling of their house, that, while lavish, gave off such Edric-and-Wilt vibes he felt more at home in it than at his actual apartment. It was cozy and warm and always made him feel welcome. Hans had also quickly learned that all movies had to be sports related, which neither Hans nor Edric seemed to mind much. Edric sat in the very middle of the couch, with Hans sitting on his left, holding his hand, and Wilt on his right, whose arm was slinged around Edric's shoulder.

Edric got up to use the bathroom, and as soon as he got up Wilt moved so his feet were resting on Hans' lap. The two had reached pretty good terms, sometimes hanging out if Hans came by and Edric wasn't there. However, Hans had only started noticing just how beautiful Wilt truly was. He was so very candid, telling what he thought no matter what. He was rather flirtatious, and while originally it was only toward Edric, he now had branched out to Hans. Hans seemed better at concealing the effect it had on him than Edric, whose head turned into a tomato. And not to mention the fact that Wilt looked like a rugby player and a model had a child. His brown hair matched his beautiful golden eyes and dark skin perfectly, like some person had decided to draw the ideal jock and it turned out to be Wilt.

Despite this, Hans was absolutely certain he loved Edric. He loved Edric's hair and his smile and kisses and everything about him. So why, all of a sudden, was he falling for someone else?

Wilt currently had his feet on Hans' lap. Edric, the guy Wilt had fallen in love with when he had first seen him, was in the bathroom. And here Wilt was, trying not to think about his crush's boyfriend, whom Wilt was just in love with. He couldn't say, precisely, what about them he loved. All he knew was that he wanted to be with them, for them to love him just as much as he loved them.

It somehow felt that Edric and Hans belonged here. Before they had come, all Wilt did was make a mess, play sports, and sleep with whoever wanted to. And then Edric moved in, bringing Hans with him and suddenly whatever drab life he had been living had a purpose. He wanted to take them on dates, all three of them. He wanted to visit museums and planetariums and sports games with them. He wanted them near him at all times, because they made him feel something he hadn't felt in a long time: love. 

A friendly reminder  that this book is a dystopian romance. This society does not have the same issues with polyamory and LGBTQ+ people as ours does. Yes, some singular characters express homophobia, but for the most part this world is rather accepting. 

Cass <3

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