A Brief Interlude: Hans is a Suave Mess and his POV

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(Please tell me if you see any triggers. Thank you, Cass <3)

Hans shut the door to the planetarium and tried to control his breathing and the blush threatening to overtake his entire face. All he'd gone in there to do was check up on Edric and see how he was doing. Instead, he had found himself not only checking in on him, but flirting with him! He had complimented his freaking hair!

Hans hadn't flirted - or even liked - anyone in 3 years. His last and only relationship had ended badly, with a lot of shouting matches and angry storming out. And here was this amazing, adorable, uber-intelligent guy waltzing into his life like he had any right to do so. Hans couldn't tell what was happening anymore. On one hand he wanted to just kiss the man senseless, but on the other hand he wanted to avoid him until his feelings washed away.

However, the way Edric looked in navy sweaters or his beautiful, golden skin or the various feathers in his chestnut hair made him forget option two immediately. Edric was just too beautiful, and Hans was falling for him very, very ha- "Mr. Curry? You've been standing there for a long time."

Hans jolted out of his Edric-induced coma to find a bald man dressed in a sparkling night sky colored blouse and a pencil skirt that looked like it was made of the galaxy itself. His clothing only accentuated his navy eyes and dark skin. Little bits of star-shaped glitter formed constellations that floated on his cheekbones. "I'm quite fine, Armana. Thank you for asking."

Armana nodded and disappeared through a door that had just appeared, his heels clicking against the hard floor. Sometimes Engineering truly was a marvel - the appearing door being a new creation of theirs.

Hans carried on with his day, checking in on a couple of other departments. Signing paperwork after carefully reading it. And most of all, failing to ignore the fact that he might be in love again.

Maybe he should just give into his feelings at this point. 

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