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"'Chako?" Katsuki called out as he walked around the house. He hadn't seen his girlfriend at all that day, and he was getting worried. It was already noon. "Hey, where are you?"

He knocked on her door. No answer.

"Hey, open up!"

Still no answer.

"This isn't funny, answer me!"


"Fine, I'm coming in!"

He opened her door and looked around. He was shocked to see that her room was trashed, no longer in the state it had been before. There were items strewn across the floor, and almost nothing was in the right place, almost as if someone was fighting. Ochako was nowhere to be seen.



He called out her name only to be even more worried when there was no response.

"This isn't funny, come out! We aren't playing fucking hide and seek!" He yelled to, again, nothing.

He pulled out his phone and called his teacher.

"What is it, Bakugou?" Aizawa asked on the other end of the phone.

"Round face is gone, that's what!" Katsuki sounded more worried than he intended.

"What do you mean by 'gone'?" The tired adult asked.

"I mean she's fucking gone, she's not here! I can't find her!" Katsuki told him.

Aizawa was silent for a moment.

"We'll find her. I'll alert the pro heroes, and we'll get her back. It's most likely the villains, they're the only ones who would want to kidnap her. I doubt she would go willingly." He said. Katsuki could tell he was putting on his clothes and getting ready to go judging by noises on Aizawa's end.

"Well hurry up, because if we don't find her, I won't forgive anyone for it." Katsuki angrily said. He hung up and decided to tell his classmates. He quickly dialed Kirishima's number and pressed the call button.

"Hey! What's up, bakubro?" Kirishima said.

"Are you in a good mood?" katsuki asked.

"Uh, yeah? Why?" The redhead replied.

"Well fuck your good mood. Round face was kidnapped." Katsuki informed him.

"What? Kidnapped?" Eijiro asked with shock in his voice.

"That's what I said!" The blonde yelled.

"Who was kidnapped?" Katsuki heard Mina ask on Kirishima's end.

"Uraraka was. We have to find her! Are the pro heroes going to track her down?" The redhead replied.

"We have to find her whether they're going to try or not!" Katsuki yelled. "Tell everyone else, because we're going to get her!"

"Okay!" Kirishima said without hesitation.

Katsuki hung up and put his shoes on. He didn't care that he could be getting himself into horrible danger, all he could think about was Ochako. He had to make sure she was okay. He ran out the door as fast as he could and started searching for her.




Eventually there was a huge group of people standing outside of a building. Amongst heroes and friends was Katsuki, who was just about ready to kick down every door inside until he found where Ochako was being held. There had been multiple signs that this was the work of the League Of Villains, and they found where they were hiding. Katsuki was tense, and rightfully so, but he was reassured by his classmates who were just as worried as he was.

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