3rd Day

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To their surprise, Ochako and Katsuki woke up at the same time the next day. They usually woke up at different times. It was Tuesday though, so they didn't have time to congratulate the other for actually waking up on time. After changing into their school uniforms, they got to school and made it on time.

They took their seats, and started on their separate activities. Ochako pulled out a romance book she got a month before and started reading, and Katsuki started doodling something in his notebook.

As he let his mind wander while he doodled, Denki crept up behind him to see what he was drawing.

"Whatcha drawing there, Bakubro?" Denki asked, peering over his shoulder.

"Fuck off dunce face. I'm just drawing random lines in my notebook, thats all." Katsuki replied.

"Really? Cause it looks like Uraraka to me" He observed.

Katsuki didn't know what to say. He could've sworn he was drawing lines and lines only, not... her. But sure enough, when he.looked at his notebook he realized that the lines he had drawn made up Ochako's face almost perfectly. Her big eyes, her smile, her cheeks. Everything he admired about her but would never admit it. Ever.

"I guess I wasn't paying attention. Now go away, pikachu" He told him, swatting him away.

As soon as Denki got to his chair, he started whispering to Mina and Jirou about something. Katsuki couldn't tell what it was, but saw the two girls nod their heads after Denki finished his sentence. He groaned and went back to drawing, flipping to a new page in his notebook. It seemed at least half of his thoughts were about Ochako...

He looked over at her from across the room. Why had he drawn her? And how did he draw her so perfectly when he didn't even mean to? He suddenly heard something and looked to see where it was coming from. He saw Sero, Mina, Denki, and Jirou snickering and looking at him.

At lunch, Katsuki sat with the rest of the Bakusquad. Jirou decided to join them instead of sitting with their other classmates.

"Does the pomeranian have the hots for Uraraka?" Jirou teased.

"I do not!" Katsuki growled.

"Its the classic bad boy and cute girl-" Mina began.

"It is not! And I am not some bad boy!" He yelled.

"He never denied that Uraraka was a cute girl!" Denki said, making Mina start fangirling.

"Huh? I never said anything about it, so it doesn't count!" Katsuki told them.

"It does count! You would've denied it if it were anyone else, but it seems like it was different with Uraraka. You sure like her alot, don'tcha?" Sero teased the blonde.

"Oh, shut up! You obviously don't know anything" He rolled his eyes.

"Come on, get out of that denial stage and get to the acceptance one" Denki said.

"Denki, those are the first and last stages of grief-" Kirishima told him.

"At least Shitty Hair's got something in that head of his" He said to the group.

Kirishima smiled. Its pretty rare anyone got compliments from Katsuki.

"Lets just forget about this whole thing and eat" Katsuki said with a mouthful of food.

"We aren't forgetting about this, but im hungry anyway so yeah, let's eat" Jirou started eating.

Things were awkward over at the Dekusquad's table.

Everybody was eating awkwardly. Nobody tried to make small talk, and most of them tried not to make eye contact with Ochako, so they obviously still had a sneaking suspicion that she and Katsuki had... done something.

Todoroki didn't know what was happening. Nobody was talking, and that confused him. But of course he didn't want to start talking, that would be even more awkward. He never starts conversations. Still, he couldn't stand the silence of the rest of the table.

"Why is nobody talking?" He asked.

"Uraraka and Bakugou had sexual relations!" Iida blurted out, covering his mouth immediately afterwards.

Yup, they still believed it.

"We did not!" Ochako told him, covering her face.

"Then what did we walk in to?!" Izuku asked.

"I told you, he was tickling me!" A red-faced Ochako replied.

"*cough* tickling your...sweet spot, perhaps? Ribbit" Tsu suggested.

"N-no, of course not! Please believe me!" She begged.

"...fine. But if it happens again, we aren't leaving it alone." Iida said,pushing his glasses up.

Todoroki couldn't believe his ears. Ochako couldn't have, she was too innocent. Even just being around her he could feel the energy she gave off. Happy. Excited. Determined. Any emotion, you could feel it. So he didn't believe the others when they said that Ochako and Katsuki did the Devil's Tango.

The bell rang and they all got up and went to class. After school was over, Ochako and Katsuki went home and talked like usual.

"Im cooking tonight, do you want anything specific?" Ochako asked him.

"Nah, just anything spicy I guess. I like spicy things." Katsuki answered her question.

"Are noodles ok? Those are the only things we have that are spicy" She told him.

"Yeah sure" He said.

"Ok, ill start. Do you want to do anything? Watch a movie?" She asked him, trying to melt the last bit of tension.

"Another movie? Fine, But its gonna be a horror movie." He said, smirking. He knew she didn't do well with horror movies.

Ochako shivered a little.

"Well, ok then" She replied.

She walked into the kitchen and started cooking him his noodles. Meanwhile, Katsuki grabbed the remote and immediately started scrolling through some horror movies he found on Netflix. He found one called 'Spiral' and decided that's what they were going to watch. Once Ochako went back into the livingroom to give Katsuki his noodles, she looked at the TV and shivered more. Horror movies scared her. Which makes sense, considering its horror.

"Y-you're sure you want to watch this?" She stuttered nervously. "You don't want to watch something else?"

"Fuck no. This is a cool movie, and I'm sure you'll like it" He stated.

"Dont give me that. Its a horror movie, you know I won't like it." She told him.

"Oh come on, cheeks. You aren't a chickenshit, are ya?" He challenged her.

"I'm not a chickenshit!" She said defensively.

"Then watch the damn movie with me" He said back.

She hesitated for a moment.

"Fine" She replied.

"Great, now sit your ass down and watch the movie" He smirked.

Ochako sat down beside him, a little nervous. Soon enough, she'd gotten used to the kind of things that happened in the movie and figured out what to expect, so halfway through the movie, she fell asleep.

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