4th Day

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Katsuki woke up the next day and realized he and Ochako were still on the couch. He looked beside him and saw the girl's sleeping face with her cheek pressed against the back of the couch. She was in a position that you would assume is uncomfortable, but it seems it didn't bother her.

He smiled at the sleeping brunette. In the few days they've lived together, he hadn't quite seen her sleeping, just heard her quiet snores that came from her room. He leaned closer to her face and nudged her arm, intending to wake her up and succeeding.

"Wha yu want?"

"Morning idiot. We've gotta get to school"

"Twenty minutes"


He pulled her arm away from her face and attempted to drag her off the couch.

"Get your- argh- lazy ass off the couch" He panted, not wanting to accept the fact he probably couldn't lift her.

"Fine, fine! Just stop touching me, I can do it myself!" She told him. Her face immediately turned a light shade of pink knowing she could've worded that differently.

"Dirty minded? Damn, cheeks. Didn't take you for that kinda person" He smirked.

She swatted his hand away, and he laughed. When she got up, they both walked to their rooms, got changed, ate breakfast, and went on their way to school. On the way there though, something happened.

Ochako and Katsuki were joking around about some of Denki's past antics when they heard something. They both turned around and started to recognize the noise, and realized something was in a bush nearby. Ochako thought it was probably a bunny or something, but then something jumped out from the bush.

And it was not a bunny.

The thing that had jumped out was a 7 foot tall man with spiky blue hair that went in every possible direction. He had bright green eyes and a very well-built body. You would think he went to the gym every day for a decade, he looked that strong. He leaped toward the two teenagers with his hands out, a light blue glow radiating from them.

Ochako and Katsuki had figured it out now; he was a villain. And he was out to get them.

He was more set on Ochako, as he lunged toward her every chance he got. She somehow managed to avoid the man for a long period of time. Soon enough, he got bored trying to get her and went straight for Katsuki. Ochako saw that her roommate would have to suffer whatever the villain was trying to do to them, and she didn't like the idea of that at all.

She jumped in front of Katsuki at the last second and the villain struck her right in the gut. She began to glow blue, and as soon as it died down she collapsed. Katsuki managed to catch her before she hit the ground. He was full of anger that somebody could've done this, but as soon as he looked up to find the bastard who did it, he was gone.

He didn't care at that point. All he cared about was getting help for Ochako. He ran to school as fast as he could with her in his arms. When he got inside, he began asking random students where the staff was.

"Where the fuck are the teachers?!" He yelled at one person.

"Uh, I think they're in the staff room" the quivering student replied.

As he ran through the halls to the staff room, he could hear other students whispering.

"What's his deal?"

"I wonder what happened..."

"What happened to Uraraka?"

He ignored the whispers and kept going. When he reached the staff room, he banged on the door until someone came out.

"What do you need, Bakugou?" Aizawa asked him. "And why are you carrying Uraraka?"

"A dumbass villain attacked us and round face got hit. I'm sure the bastard was using his quirk!" He told him.

"Come with me" Aizawa said with a concerned expression.

Katsuki followed his teacher into the staff room. He saw Nezu, Midnight, and a few other teachers talking on a couch. Aizawa cleared his throat and everyone looked at him, and then Katsuki, and then Ochako. She was still unconscious in his arms, but her face looked slightly... different. It looked younger.

"What happened to her?" Midnight asked.

"Apparently a villain attacked Bakugou and Uraraka and the villain used their quirk on her." Aizawa replied.

"I'll get Recovery Girl" Nezu said, walking out of the room.

Soon enough, he came back with Recovery Girl. She took Ochako out of Katsuki's arms and made him and Aizawa follow her.




"She was indeed hit with a quirk, but I can't find anything that's that accurate when finding what it could be. With how she looks and her condition, my best guess is that she's getting younger  and will stop at around the baby/toddler stage" Recovery Girl told the two, Aizawa and Katsuki.

"But she will be fine, correct?" Aizawa asked.

"Yes" The nurse replied.

Katsuki let out a breath he didn't know he was holding.

"What was that, Bakugou? I thought you didn't like her, but you seem relieved" Aizawa questioned with a slight smirk.

"Shut up" Katsuki said, crossing his arms.

"You'll be taking care of her" Aizawa told him with no hesitation.

"Hey, what do you mean?! It's not my fault this happened, it's that shit villain!" The angry blonde yelled at the teacher.

"Well we aren't leaving her with a villain, so it's your responsibility. It's either that, or I'm giving you an F on the next test regardless of how well you do." The older man threatened.

Katsuki hesitated for a moment.

"Fine. But im getting help from the idiots" He said.

"Fine by me" Aizawa replied.




Ochako was still unconscious by the time Katsuki had finished dragging her home. It seems the quirks effect slowed at Ochako's first year of middle school, possibly second. Katsuki scoffed. How did they know she would turn into a baby? Recovery Girl hadn't even been able to accurately guess what the quirk was, let alone when it could possibly end.

Since she was unconscious, he decided to take her to his room and let her stay there for the night just in case she did turn into a baby or toddler. After putting her down on a chair in his room, he got changed into pajamas, not worried at all that she would see him. He then turned the light off and climbed into his bed.

"Night, cheeks. Hope you're better by morning." He mumbled, knowing she couldn't hear him.

'Love you...' He thought.

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