15th Day

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Aizawa was awake, but didn't say much to his class. He just made sure they were there and went to sleep, which wasn't very rare, and the students talked to eachother and did their own things. The girls were talking to eachother, ignoring Mineta. Denki was trying to drag him away from the girls this time.

"Oh, I got something the other day from that new music store down the road" Kyoka started looking through her pockets. "It's really cool, I might go there again"

"What is it?" Momo asked her.

"A guitar pick" The girl replied, holding up an orchid-colored guitar pick. Her friends admired it, their eyes not leaving the pick as it was put away.

"It's so pretty!" Ochako exclaimed.

"I must agree with Uraraka, it is indeed very beautiful. The color is quite lovely" Momo agreed, nodding.

"Yeah, I'll recommend it to everyone else. Maybe us and the bakusquad could go there sometime!" Mina suggested with her hands on her hips.

"That would be pretty cool, I'd be down for that" Kyoka smiled.

"Then I'll tell the others the next chance I get!" Mina said excitedly.

As if on cue, someone walked by and kicked Ochako's chair to get her attention. She looked up and saw her blond-haired boyfriend looking at her.

"Hey loser, making plans without us?" Katsuki said as the rest of his little friend group stood beside him.

"We were actually going to ask you guys if you wanted to come with us to the new music store, but you're being a bit of a prick so maybe we won't invite you" Ochako smirked, making the boy laugh.

"You're funny, cheeks. You should be a comedian." He told her.

"If I can make you laugh, I think I can make anyone laugh." She said to him.

They stared at eachother for a solid ten seconds before Kirishima butted in to get rid of the awkward tension that was building up.

"Uh, so! Something about the music store?" Kirishima nervously said.

"Oh, yeah! We're all planning on going, do you and the others want to come with us?" Hagakure asked the boy.

"That sounds dope, we'll go!" He replied. "Day? Time?"

"Does today work, maybe after school?" Kyoka asked.

Everyone agreed, getting other plans out of the way and helping eachother to do so. The day flew by quick, and soon enough, it was time to leave and go to the music store.

"Hey!" Ochako greeted Sero and Denki as they walked towards her.

"Hey Uraraka, where are the others?" Sero asked her.

"They'll be out soon, I'm just waiting here for them" She replied. "Wanna wait with me? We're all going to the sane place anyway"

"Sounds like a good idea to me!" Denki said, sitting on the ground.

"Bro...why are you sitting on the ground?" Sero asked the boy, looking down at him.

"Cause why not? It's not that bad actually" He said, crossing his legs.

"Ok then, if you say so" Sero said, sitting down. As soon as he did he let out a satisfied sigh.

"Uh..." Ochako didn't know what to think about the situation.

"My legs were killing me" The black haired boy said, smiling. "Sit, Uraraka! It's comfortable"

Ochako hesitated for a moment, but then decided she could just sit for a moment. She sat on the ground, noting that it was cold and hard at first, but she soon grew used to it and found that it wasn't as bad as she thought it would be.

"You guys were right, wow" She inhaled. "I can't believe this is actually meant to be hard"

"Right? Oh look, here comes our beloved pomeranian" Denki pointed across the pavement at a few of their friends.

"Hey, hurry up!" Sero called to the teenagers.

They saw that Katsuki, Mina and Hagakure had taken it a bit literally and started running towards them while Kyoka, Momo and Tsu continued walking normally.

"Fucking nerds" Katsuki said as he and the others caught up to them. "Why are you sitting on the ground like fucking dorks?"

"It's comfortable" Denki explained, laying down.

"You should sit with us" Sero said, grabbing Katsuki's hand and pulling him down.

"Hey, let go of me tapeface!" He yelled, yanking back his hand but not getting up.

"See? Isn't it nice?" Ochako asked.

"Shut up, roundface. I should be allowed to do what I want" He crossed his arms like a spoiled child and looked away.

"Aw, is little Bakugou have a hissy fit?" Ochako said in a baby voice, scooting closer to her boyfriend and pinching his cheek.

"Hey, let go of me pink cheeks!" Katsuki yelled as his girlfriend giggled.

The others caught up to them, apparently finding Kirishima on the way and walking with him. They got up and started walking to the music store, talking and laughing after a day of school and hard work. Mina was looking into the windows of every shop they passed, making fun of the occasional bright beach hat and dresses for older people. Sero was goofing off with Kyoka and Momo, funny faces and all. Ochako was picking up every coin she found that had been dropped on the ground, and by the time they got to the store she had picked up about $8.50 in quarters, so her pockets were filled with coins. Women's pockets were small (if you have any), so she didnt have much space in her pockets afterward.

"Guys, look at this!" Mina said, grabbing the group's attention. "Isn't it pretty?"

She pointed at a hot pink microphone that was sitting on a table. Everyone looked at it, surprised by how bright I was but not one person complaining. It was quite nice-looking.

"I found these drum sticks a few minutes ago for Bakubro, because he broke his" Kirishima held up a pair of new drum sticks.

"Thanks, shitty hair." Katsuki thanked him quietly. Kirishima heard, though.

After a few minutes, almost everyone had found an instrument they liked. Ochako discovered there were about seven ukuleles near the back of the store, and she chose a light pink one. Denki decided he would get a triangle, because it was simple and he imagined it would be fairly hard to mess up. Sero got a brown guitar that he liked. Momo told everyone she was going to be paying, so they didn't have to worry about money.

They all hung out a for a few hours before everyone went home. When Katsuki and Ochako went home, they watched another movie and went to sleep.

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