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October 16, 1996

After school on a sunny Wednesday afternoon, I step out onto the front lawn of the school and take a deep breath. Halfway through the week... I'm doing pretty well.

Tatum bounds up to me, her hair bouncing against her shoulders and a smirk plastered on her face. Sidney trails behind her with a small smile. "Hey, Charlotte! How was your day?"

"Fine, I suppose," I reply. I'm starting to feel more comfortable around Tatum, which is definitely a good thing. I was right — she is super sweet and a good friend, but she took some getting used to. We're basically polar opposites. 

Sidney, however... I'm not sure if I'm ever going to get there. She's been polite, but I can tell that she doesn't particularly like me. She must be mad that Billy and I are together, but that's not really my fault, right? I mean, it's not like they were dating already and I stole him from her or anything. Billy just happened to annoy me to the point of me finally letting my guard down a bit.

"So, Charlotte," Tatum starts. "Sid and I were taking bets on who's gonna win the homecoming game on Friday. Wanna join in?"

"We're up to fifty dollars," Sidney adds, grinning playfully. "Tatum's positive that we're going to lose, but I have faith."

"Tatum, isn't Stu on the team?" I ask, quirking an eyebrow. She just shrugs. "He may be my boyfriend, but he can be a dumbass sometimes."

"Plus, the West Haven Wranglers have a new quarterback this year," Sidney says. "Everyone's been saying that he's really good, but I think we have enough school spirit to give us the win."

"Ah, Sidney. Ever the optimist," Tatum teases, poking her friend in the side before turning back to me. "So? You in?"

I try and recall if I've got any spare cash on me. Usually, I carry around twenty dollars or so in case of emergencies... but I guess I could give up a little. 

"I'll throw in five," I decide, digging into my bag and pulling out a crumpled bill, and handing it to Tatum. She giggles as she takes it and places it in a plastic bag in her own backpack. "Nice doing business with you."

"Hey, Tatum!"

All three of us whip our heads around to the other side of the lawn. Sidney immediately covers her mouth to hide a laugh, and I choke my own laugh back. 

A giant neon pink sign runs toward us, covered in glitter and fake flowers that have been glued messily. Behind it stands Stu, wearing a goofy grin and holding a box of assorted chocolates. Very cliche. 

"Stu Macher, what do you think you're doing?" Tatum asks, planting her hands on her hips. Although, there's a blush spreading rapidly over her face, giving away how excited she is. 

"Asking you to homecoming, duh!"

I take a moment to read the sign:

It would be SWEET if you went to homecoming with me!

I cringe a bit, to be honest. But Tatum looks happy, so I guess it's okay. I'm just glad it isn't me. 

"Pretty bland, huh?"

I jump slightly as Sidney sidles up to me with her arms crossed. "Oh! Uhh..."

"It's okay, I won't tell. Personally, I think he could've done better."

"... Yeah. I think so, too."

Sidney and I laugh quietly while we watch Tatum jump into her boyfriend's arms, kissing him passionately. Onlookers clap and holler at them, shouting their congratulations and whatnot.

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