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September 29, 1996


Ugh... really? It's like seven in the morning....


Jesus Christ, I'm coming, I'm coming.

I pull myself out of my bed and hastily throw on some warm socks, all while the incessant ringing fills the house. Running out of my room, I slide into the kitchen and toward the landline connected to the wall, the old cord hanging limply against the browning wallpaper.

RING... RING... click.


"Hi, Charlotte! It's Christina."

"Oh, hey," I say while clearing my throat and combing down my hair. That's stupid, it's not like she can see me right now.

Christina and Frank Weber are probably two of the richest people in Woodsboro — Frank's our top surgeon, and his wife works at the biggest news station in town, so they've got plenty of dough and the biggest house you could imagine. Their kid, Mike, is Davey's age and is in the same class as him, which is why Christina knows me by name. I've babysat a couple of times, and based on how flustered she currently sounds over the phone, I think she's about to ask me to do it again.

"Look, honey, I know it's a Sunday, and I know it's last minute, but Frank and I just got invited to a conference in the next town over that's pretty urgent, so if you wouldn't mind-"

"I'll watch Mike for you, don't worry."

I hear a heavy sigh of relief on the other end. "Thank you, Charlotte, you have no idea how much this means to us."

I smile politely, forgetting that she can't actually see me, and work out the details with her before hanging up. As soon as the phone hits the hook, my entire demeanor shifts. Babysitting on a Sunday is not exactly my idea of a good time. It's not like I have any other plans, but I figured today would be pretty relaxed. Nope, instead I'm babysitting two ten year olds on a school night.

I guess I could've said no, said I was too busy or something, but that little voice in the back of my brain was almost screaming about the money I would make from it. Like I said, the Webers are filthy rich, and babysitting money from them can go a long way. Especially because we're struggling terribly right now.

I even went to the café in town to work out some bills and other payments, but Billy ended up finding me and I was too embarrassed to have that shit out in front of him. I mean, who really wants to show their peers how poor they are? I'm not one to garner sympathy, especially in front of someone as well-off as Billy.

Plus, he said he was my friend. And even though I'm hesitant about it, I don't want a new friend to pity me.

So, babysitting it is, then. Damn, that means I need to get some groceries.


The squeaky wheels of the shopping cart I'm rolling almost seem to scream as I move them down the aisle of Woodsboro's one and only grocery store. I managed to gather up enough loose change to make a quick trip with Davey so he and his friend could actually eat something of substance tonight.

Davey has been going insane, talking about how excited he is to have Mike over. I'll admit, it's pretty nice seeing how joyous he is, but that feeling will wear off as soon as those two get together and start wreaking havoc all over the house. It always does.

He's also trying to convince me to get some chips and desserts, which is not going to happen. I know what sugar can do to those fuckers.

"How about... pizza? You said you wanted that last week?" I suggest, pointing at some flatbread on a shelf.

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