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I open my eyes to the feeling of her body beneath mine and my heart warms. My head is on her stomach as she plays with my hair, breathing steadily. The sun is shining bright for an early October morning, and I swear I can hear birds chirping.

Turning my head to the other side, I tilt it back to look at her and she stops, smiling at me.

"Morning." I rasp, the grin on my face stretching wide.

"Good morning, birthday boy." she grins back at me.

I sit up, crawling up and planting a kiss on her cheek. I move to her lips but she swerves me.

"Gross! I haven't brushed my teeth." she laughs.

"I don't care." I whine, planting little kisses on her neck that make her giggle.

"What time is it?" I ask as I pull back.

"6:30." she runs her hands through her hair, letting me appreciate how good she looks in my shirt.

"My mom is gonna come in here within the hour, just a heads up." I warn.

She sits up, stretching.

"I'd better go then." her smile is cheeky, dimples and all.

Wrapping my arms around her waist, I pull her back down and she laughs.

"I can't have Margot think I moved in here to hook up with her son!" she giggles, attempting to free herself.

I let go, rolling over on to my back and huffing. Elena sits up, climbing on top of me and straddling my lap. She leans down, kissing me on the cheek.

"See you at breakfast." she says before jumping down off the bed.

As soon as my bedroom door shuts I roll over, groaning at the fact that she managed to get me hard before 7am.


My shower is brief and cold, and when I leave the bathroom theres a gift on my bed. The label reads:

Dear Parky,

I love you to the moon and back. Happy birthday baby boy.

Love, Mom

I smile, tearing the wrapping of the familiar shoe shaped box, my smile widening as I open it. It's a pair of soccer boots I've been eyeing for a couple months now.

When I walk in to the kitchen everyone is already sat at the table. My mom is grinning from ear to ear, no doubt proud of her gift choice. Jacky is colouring, and Elena is sat opposite him, her hair damp as she rests her chin on her hand.

I think they're about to start singing to me, but they don't. I'm glad; my mom knows how much I hate being sang to.

"Good morning my birthday boy!" my mom smiles widely and I glance over at Elena briefly. She smiles knowingly.

"Morning Mom. Thanks for the gift." I say, leaning down and kissing her forehead before slipping in to the seat opposite my brother and El.

"Happy birthday P." Jackson says, keeping his eyes on his drawing which I assume is for me.

"Thanks little man." I smile.

"Happy birthday, Parker." Elena smiles at me as she leans forward.

My stomach gets that feeling when you go on a rollercoaster.

"Thank you gorgeous." I smile back.

My mom looks at me and I realise I forgot we aren't alone. Her lips turn up as she looks between us.

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