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THE DOOR KNOCKS as I reach the sixth chapter of my book. It's around 11 pm now, and I'm sat cross legged on my bed, reading the book Parker bought me earlier. We didn't talk on the way home, and he went straight to his room when we got here. I was tempted to go see if he was okay, but I thought it would be better to give him some space.

"It's open." I say, turning the page.

The door cracks open and I pull my eyes up. I close my book once I see who it is.

"Hi." I breathe, propping myself up a little as Parker walks over.


He sits at the end of my bed before laying back, covering his face with hands.

"Are you okay?" I move forward, laying on my stomach.

"Yeah." he takes his hands away from his face.

I only realise how close we are when he turns to look at me and our noses almost touch. I scoot back a little and he smiles.

"Sorry about earlier. If I freaked you out." he presses his lips together.

"It's fine." I smile. "Happens to me too."

Parker opens his mouth as if he wants to say something, but can't find the words.

"We don't have to talk about it." I offer.

"I just can't control my feelings when I see her. She really messed me up, Kinsley."

"I understand. What you went through was horrible."

Parker nods slowly, his eyes flicking down to my lips as his mouth forms a smile, making my cheeks flush. I lean forward, pressing my lips against his. His eyes are still shut as I pull away, brushing the hair back out of his face.

"I see you're finally opening up to me, Spiderman." I run my fingers through his curls.

He laughs. A genuine, hearty laugh that makes me grin.

"Oh, sooo original." he mocks.

"Is it not? I didn't think you were cool enough for anyone else to put you on his level." I say pouting.

"Oh yeah?" he raises his eyebrows, still smiling.

"Yep." I sigh dramatically.

Parker sits up, pulling my legs so that I'm laying parallel to him.

"So you think I'm cool?" he presses his forehead against mine.

I bite my bottom lip, nodding.

He grins, leaning forward a little more so that our noses are presses together. I close my eyes as he brings his hand to the back of my thigh, pulling me on top of him.

"I think you're cool too." he wraps his arm around my waist and I feel him hard against me.

"You do?" I breathe, wrapping my arms around his neck and pushing my fingers through his hair.

Parker nods as he adjusts himself beneath me, making me struggle for air.

"God, Elena." he breathes against my neck. "I wanna show you how cool I think you are."

"This isn't very 'friends' of us." I smile, making him chuckle.

He presses his lips against mine, kissing me so softly it almost makes me wanna cry. His mouth is warm. I missed it. His hand slides beneath my vest as he strokes my back, tracing his fingers along my skin.

I pull myself closer to him and he groans against my mouth. Parker leans back so that he's laying down and I take his face in my hands, kissing his lips, cheeks, and moving down to his neck. I shift down between his legs, lifting his shirt and kissing his stomach. His breath quicks and I smile, kissing lower down.

He huffs, sitting up briefly and pulling me forward so that I'm laying on top of him, before rolling us both over, putting him on top of me.

"You can't do this to me Lena." he whines.

"What?" I smile, stroking my fingers along his arm.

He spreads my legs, resting between them.

"You're making it very hard for me to stay away from you." his hand travels up my inner thigh.

I smile against his mouth. "Well you-"

My bedroom door knocks, making me jump. Parker sighs, closing his eyes for a moment before rolling off of me.

"Can I have a pillow?" he asks as I sit up.

I laugh, handing him one and he places it in his lap.

"Come in." I call, slightly reluctantly.

My bedroom door pushes open and I quickly glance at Parker, who smiles at me. As I turn my attention back to the door, my entire heart feels as if it's been ripped out. I can't breathe. Am I breathing? My body aches and I feel my eyes brim with tears.

"Hey, kiddo." my father steps inside, a soft smile on his face.

I don't reply. I can't reply. My mouth feels like cotton.

His eyes move to Parker. He squints, and then raises his eyebrows.

"Parker, is that you?" he says in disbelief.

Parker laughs, nodding. "Nice to see you Mr Kinsley."

"Come on, call me Elijah kid." my dad walks over, holding out a hand to shake Parker's.

He moves to the other side of me, and I feel the bed dip even though I don't move.

"Uh," Parker stands up, facing forward as he drops the pillow back on my bed. "I'll give you two a sec."

He glances back at me for a moment, before walking to the door and disappearing behind it.

"Happy birthday, kid." he wraps an arm around me, pulling me in to him.

"Thanks." I whisper, my eyes focused on my hands resting in my lap.

"I'm sorry I couldn't get here earlier, I had work this morning and then my flight got cancelled and-"

"It's fine, Dad. I don't care." I look up at him for the first time since he walked in.

He strokes my face. "My little girl. All grown up."

The last time I saw my father in real life was my 15th birthday. Of course I've grown.

"I thought maybe tomorrow you'd like to do something after school?" he asks.

"I can't tomorrow. Parker has a soccer game." I say, bringing my eyes back to my hands briefly.

"Okay." my dad nods. "Well, I'm here until next Monday, so hopefully we'll get to spend some time together." he laughs, a little awkwardly.

I nod, and we sit in silence for a couple beats.

"Uh, I have school tomorrow, so I'm gonna..." I point towards the pillows behind him.

"Oh, yes, of course." he stands up, walking over to the door.

"Goodnight kid. " he smiles, almost sadly.

"Night." I pull the duvet back, slipping between the sheets.

My dad lingers at the door as if he wants to say something else, before disappearing behind it and pulling it shut.

The weight lifts from my chest and I feel like I'm gasping for air as the tears begin to slide down my cheeks.

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